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Only married 7 weeks and heading for divorce :(


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So happy to hear from you Leslie,


I will continue to keep you and your husband in my prayers. Stay strong and positive and limit your interaction with those who only have negative things to say.

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so glad that you've chosen a path that you feel will work best for you. i went through a similar experience with my fiance. we thought about counseling but ended up working things out on our own. it was a very long, bumpy, emotional rollercoaster. but in the end it was worth it. keep in mind that it's good to also take time for yourselves and work on what makes you happy as individuals. it's hard to love another if you don't truly love yourselves too :)

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I truly pray that you can make the best decisions and work things out that are best for you and the situation. It is a tough situation, one of my friends is going through the same thing and it has been a truly difficult time for her. I truly hope that you come through this stronger and better. Feel the love from everyone one the forum, I know that we are all sending you hugs!

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So sorry to hear this. I've been there so I know how it feels. If you want it to work out you should really consider counselling and make make him come clean with everything. If he wants it to work out he will do whatever it takes to gain back your trust and make you feel secure again. I hope everything works out for you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm glad to see you guys are trying to work it out. Another idea: if he's so willing to "talk" to her. Then he should get together with her one day... with YOU as well. Have a respectful (or else you will lose credibility) group discussion about how you two have decided that it is no longer a good idea to have them two communicate. First tell him that you want to do this. This way that girl hears it from his mouth and gets a chance to see that you are clearly involved in the process and you mean business. It's his responsibility to be faithful, but it wouldn't hurt to tell her like it is and request (tactfully, so she doesn't do it to spite you) that she leaves you two alone. He's got an amazing gorgeous forgiving wife, and he needs to see that or else he may not be so lucky later on. I'm routing for you! HUGS!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am glad you are working through things. What's your secret? I found out my husband cheated on me 7 months after we were married and I am now looking into what i have to do to end the marriage sad.gif We are still friends and have worked through lots of stuff but I just can't see it working!

I too found out the same way you did!

PM me if you would like to chat more.

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