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Root canal 3 days before my shower?! FML.


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Bah....I'm so censored.gif upset ladies! I went in last week to my dentist for my final cleaning and whatnot before Andy and I get married and I get the boot from my parents phenomenal insurance. Figured I should do it while it was still free...lol.

Anyways, I had a small cavity in the back of my mouth, which my dentist said he would go ahead and fill while I was there so I didn't hav to come back in before the wedding again. Anyways, he drilled too deep apparently, and hit the pulp chamber....whatever that is, and now my tooth is all gross and infected (sorry for the nastiness, I know nobody wants to read about that) and I have to go in to an endodontist for a root canal on Tuesday now.

My wedding shower and bachelorette party are both on Saturday, and I've never had dental problems before....EVER. Am I going to be all swollen and puffy and gross? And where in the hell am I going to come up with $700 for a fricken root canal 2 weeks before my wedding? I'm a poor college student...lol.

I'm wondering if just having them pull the stupid thing is a better idea? It's my #2 tooth, and at the very back of my mouth....Does anybody know anything about root canals? Because I'm starting to panic. I don't do pain, and having a puffy face for all of my pictures this weekend isn't really an option.

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NO PULLING! That is worse you we will be fine for Saturday don't sweat I have had a root canal in almost all my teeth and had an implant put in. The worst thing that can happen after you root canal is you have a high mark and it will throbs, you just go to the dentist and they will file the area down no numbing needed. My root canals were very bad my roots grow into one and I was in huge pain when I left but I was sore the next day and the day after I was fine. Just have them smother your lips and side of your mouth with Vaseline so you don't get painful cracks. You'll be good for Sat!

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OoOoOo no! I am so sorry!! I had a toor canal done and I was fine after a couple of hours, I was drooling on myself since I was numb but that's about it. You will be fine by Sat if you are having it done Wensday. you shouldn't be swollen, usually the only time you are swollen is when you have your teeth pulled. So pulling may not be the best option. I would call the dentist and tell them your shower is this weekend and what to expect, they can reassure you that you will be OK.


As far as the $700, see if you can make payments, I'm sure they'll be more than happy to work something out with you.

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You shouldn't have swelling and while your tooth may be slightly sore (not sharp pain) etc. Once it's all done, you'll be good to go. The endodontist will have things sorted quickly within 1 hour or less is my guess (I've had a very complex root canal done and he took around 45 minutes.) I had to fly to the states to do it (no endodontist here) and wanted to get some shopping done before I flew out the next day, so I had my root canal done by 9:00 am and shopped for a good 7-8 hours, stopping for lunch, no problems (although I didn't have any hard candy/nuts crunchy things for a few days anything else was fine.) Get it sorted so you can enjoy your shower and wedding.



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You will be fine if you do the root canal. Its not as bad as it sounds! I was so scared. I was fine the next day


I also had major problems in another tooth. ( The same one as you are having trouble with) I just had it pulled. I don't regret it at all you can't even notice. It might be a bit swollen because as you know it will be a hole for awhile. It wasn't bad either.


My teeth are as brittal as egg shells as you can tell LOL ... so much for milk and brushing three times a day ; )

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Hey ladies! So, it's been 2 days since the dreaded root canal, and I'm so glad I went through with it. I had a really great endodontist. She decided not to go in thrugh my gums (which my primary dentist suggestd) and just drill through the tooth instead, really minimizing the pain after the fact because it wasn't so invasive. SWELLING IS GONE Woo hoo! I looked like a chipmunk the night before I had to go in, and I was pleasantly suprised that almost all of the swelling was gone by Tuesday night.

My pain is pretty good at this point too. It doesn't hurt at all during the day, but I have noticed that I wake up in the middle of thenight with pain in that tooth.....this could be due to the fact that I'm a tooth grinder though.

Anyways, thanks for keeping me relatively calm about everything girls, I thought I was going to come unglued there for a while!

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Originally Posted by brandynd View Post
Hey ladies! So, it's been 2 days since the dreaded root canal, and I'm so glad I went through with it. I had a really great endodontist. She decided not to go in thrugh my gums (which my primary dentist suggestd) and just drill through the tooth instead, really minimizing the pain after the fact because it wasn't so invasive. SWELLING IS GONE Woo hoo! I looked like a chipmunk the night before I had to go in, and I was pleasantly suprised that almost all of the swelling was gone by Tuesday night.
My pain is pretty good at this point too. It doesn't hurt at all during the day, but I have noticed that I wake up in the middle of thenight with pain in that tooth.....this could be due to the fact that I'm a tooth grinder though.
Anyways, thanks for keeping me relatively calm about everything girls, I thought I was going to come unglued there for a while!
Whew! I'm very glad to hear everything went well. Shower tomorrow? Have fun!!!
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