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Has your Groomie seen you in your dress prior to the wedding?

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Originally Posted by Reya View Post
My FI hasen't seen my dress either even though I have had it for a while now, it's funny but he doesn't want to see anything related to what I will be wearing that day as he wants to be surprised! I think it's cute!
Mine hasn't seen it and doesn't want to either! I threw out the idea of having our pictures done before the ceremony and he looked at me like I was crazy. He said he wants the first time he sees me that day to be at the end of the aisle. So cute.

PS: We have the same date!
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I haven't bought my dress yet -- and I dont know how to hide it from him when I do, since we live together, and I don't trust to store it anywhere else. But I don't think I plan on letting him see me WEAR the dress before the wedding, but I don't mind him seeing the actual dress. he knows dresses look different on the hanger, compared to on the girl... although I do kinda believe in the tradition...


As for those fitting posts -- how dare those dress shop employees make comments about your size!! Don't they want to sell their dresses? Sometimes people say things without realizing how it sounds. Don't let the comments get to you, and rest assured, every bride is gorgeous on their day, and we don't all look like the models on the designers' web sites.

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I agree with that! A dress can look completely different on the hanger! Mine is proof of that. I hated it when I saw it! That's another reason I would want FI to see it hung up somewhere. Wouldn't want him to think "THAT's the dress she chose??" haha

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Originally Posted by carolina24 View Post
My FI won't see me until i walk down the aisle but not b/c i feel its bad luck, i just want him to be surprised wink.gif
I am on the same page as you. I'm not necessarily superstitious, but want FI to be surprised. He told me the same. I've even asked a couple of times, "do you want to see my dress?" and he's given me an emphatic "No, I want to wait until our wedding day to see you in it."
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You're not nuts, I say to each his own too. As a superstitious Irish girl, I wouldn't dare let my FI see me before the ceremony, but I can understand wanting to know for sure he is going to love the dress! I won't even show mine the picture of my change-into dress :)

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Originally Posted by Sylvie143 View Post
Ladies, you're right to each their own.....I still am on the hunt for the perfect dress my first fitting didn't go as I thought it would, the lady was awful, I was trying on a pretty Maggie Sottero dress.... some of the other ones didn't fit and this one fit beautifuly and she made a comment that Maggie is a big girl herself so she caters to that type.... I expected walking out of my first fitting to feel beautiful instead I walked out with a complex..... not ideal for your first fitting, but I was happy that my FI was there, because he put a smile on my face =)
What she said is awful. People just don't know what to say sometimes but like you said at least your FI was there to make it better!smile03.gif
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Originally Posted by Loveisintheair View Post
Mine has not seen my dress and will not before I walk down the aisle. I want it to be a special moment. Kind of like the big reveal. But everyone is different. I am kind of traditonal and mushy.
I haven't even gone dress shopping yet (such a bummer, I can't wait to!!), but I am 100% certain I'm not going to let my FI see the dress until the moment I walk down the aisle. My fave part of weddings is the expression/emotion you can see on the bride and groom's face as they see each other for the first time on their wedding day, and I absolutely cannot wait for that moment. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it!!
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OMG! Some people have no filters to what they say!!

I went shopping w/my best friend for her wedding and went to a Salon with her one day, she had found 3 dresses she liked and the sales girl was so nice, so we made another appointment to go back and have her mother there with her. When we returned the owner of the Salon was there and saw her in the dress that she was going to chose with a smile from ear to ear... (The dress was the least expensive of the three), She told her the dress made her look really Big... um my friend looked completely beautiful and felt beautiful in the dress and she is a size 6 who had a baby 8 months before and had worked very hard to get the baby weight off.!!!! She was so offended and decided to "think about the dress" one more day to be sure! She left the salon and cried! We said no way are you buying that dress from her salon and found one for her at other Bridal store. It truly is a shame that someone can completely ruin your bridal experience with one comment!


My groom is going to see me in my dress a few month before the wedding, we are going to do some of our bridals together before the wedding to not have to take all those picture on the day of to fully enjoy our day and our cocktail hour!! Cocktail hour is one of my favorite part of the wedding!! I wanted to enjoy it... We are getting married in Key West, but live on the Gulf Coast of Florida so I couldn't image not having pictures taken here on our beautiful white sugar beaches in our wedding attire.


The day always seems to fly by so quickly and we will still take some the day of as well. It truly is "to each his own", It is so hard to keep any type of secret from him and we plan on making the day we take picture prior to very special for us. A photographer friend of mine is doing our pre photos as our wedding gift and then I will have them to display at our reception!! I think he will still be very surprised the day of because I am planning on wearing a 2nd dress that he will not see for the reception.


I do love the element of surprise on the day, but for us I know seeing each other before will help the nerves on the day of. I dont want to spend the whole morning rushing and being nervous to do anything except be on time to our wedding.

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I'm not really a conformist, so I felt getting his opinion was very important. My BF looked up the dresses with me on the Net. I know what looks good on me, so I showed him styles that interested me, and we settled on something that should be beautiful and sexy together. We I get get the dress, I won't try it in front of him, unless it is a disaster (I ordered a knock-off). He will however see me while I get dressed, because there are only the 2 of us for the wedding, so we will have breakfast in the room, get dressed, and walk down to the beach.

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