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Has your Groomie seen you in your dress prior to the wedding?

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Originally Posted by Sylvie143 View Post
Ladies, you're right to each their own.....I still am on the hunt for the perfect dress my first fitting didn't go as I thought it would, the lady was awful, I was trying on a pretty Maggie Sottero dress.... some of the other ones didn't fit and this one fit beautifuly and she made a comment that Maggie is a big girl herself so she caters to that type.... I expected walking out of my first fitting to feel beautiful instead I walked out with a complex..... not ideal for your first fitting, but I was happy that my FI was there, because he put a smile on my face =)
Wow, what the hell! I would have complained to the manager. That is just so freaking rude!

In regards to your question, I am waiting for him to see me. I have deliberately been "uggo-ing" myself up a bit - wearing less makeup, less form-fitting clothes, wearing more ponytails so that when he sees me at my best he will be totally shocked. I know that's kinda lame, but I don't really go anywhere but school and no one there cares what I look like. Lol
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Before i even went dress shopping, i would browse the internet and my bride magazines to just get some ideas. I found these two Maggie Sottero gowns that were in like every bridal magazine i owned, that i just LOVED. Well, i showed them to my FI to see his opinion and to see if we were on the same page of what dresses we liked for me (hes very picky and i didnt wanna wear a gown he despised so i had to get a sense of his taste) One of the two he was just stuck on and LOVED it and so did I! So, i went on a hunt to find this dress searching every Maggie Sottero dealer within 50 miles of me, nothing, then 100 miles.. nothing. And he knew I was on a hunt for this dress because I had bridal shops calling me all the time to tell me the status of if they could get the dress for me or not to try on! Well finally, a break.. one of the Maggie Sottero dealerships within 100 miles of me called back! They had found the dress! Said someone was trying it on right now, to hurry and get there. Well he was next to me, heard the whole thing. His mother and I rushed to the place, LUCKILY the girl didnt buy it so i got to try it on. I LOVED It of coarse (Maggie Sottero Reese for all of you that are familiar) and ordered one! Well, to throw him off track.. when we got home we moped and said "we drove there for nothing! the girl bought it so i never got to try it on." So we pretended to go dress shopping the next weekend, when we were really just shopping locally and called him and said "WE FOUND A DRESS" i told him it was Ivory and Cinderella style.. he didnt seem to pleased! I never keep anything from him so i catch myself all the time slipping up on my story! He will be delighted to see what dress i actually chose :) so when it gets here (march) i have to hide it EXTRA good just in case he decides to snoop!

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Originally Posted by Sylvie143 View Post
Ladies, you're right to each their own.....I still am on the hunt for the perfect dress my first fitting didn't go as I thought it would, the lady was awful, I was trying on a pretty Maggie Sottero dress.... some of the other ones didn't fit and this one fit beautifuly and she made a comment that Maggie is a big girl herself so she caters to that type.... I expected walking out of my first fitting to feel beautiful instead I walked out with a complex..... not ideal for your first fitting, but I was happy that my FI was there, because he put a smile on my face =)
WOW.. that lady deserved to be poked in the eye for saying such a thingpokestick.gif People can be so insensitive! Don't have the complex..remember rail thin or heavy..your FI LOVES the ground you walk on. I know she may have caused a cloud, but don't let her rain on your parade!!

Now for the subject at hand :) He has not seen me in the dress in person or in pictures. I am not superstitious, but I want to surprise him right before the ceremony. We will take pics together before I walk down the aisle.
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I haven't shown my FI my dress...like the other ladies I want to see him blown away on the day of the wedding! The first time he sees me will be walking down the aisle! It's going to be such a wonderful moment!


ISLAND BRIDE - I love that you threw him off of the trail! I keep telling my FI that it's short and really puffy...when really my dress is very sleek and classy! It's the Zuri dress by Maggie.

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I may have the dissenting opinion here but my FI went shopping with me and then he went back the next day (along with my mom) to see the top 2 choices. He could tell when I tried on "the dress" that it was mine even before I did. I wanted to wear it home but alas I'll wait the 3 months to get it.

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My fi didn't go with me shopping, but I kept a ton of pics that I had printed off in the back of my Jeep that he saw. Now that the dress is in and altered, I'm keeping it in our spare bedroom upstairs, but I'm pretty sure he sneaks a peak when I'm asleep b/c I can hear him sneak upstairs!! It's just so hard to keep somethings a total secret, and if it makes you both more comfortable to go dress shopping then do it!

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I could show FI a picture of my dress and 15 other dresses and he would still not remember when he sees me on the day. for us, it's one of the only traditions we're keeping, so my dress is at the shop till it's altered, and then my mom will keep it till it's time to go. FI won't see it till our wedding day. I want him to be blown away when he sees me in it. He isn't the type to care about style unless i wore something with a high neck and long sleeves...and that's not my style at all! He knows it has a corset back and it's strapless, which describes about 5000 dresses, so he will be 100% surprised!


I think everyone has to do what they're most comfortable with...like I always say, it's YOUR day, do what you want!

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Well the other day I was on the computer looking at my dress.. and put my laptop down when my Fiance came into the room and looked at the screen, seeing my dress (just the picture on the website - not one of me in it!).. of course I freaked out but that's just me - He swears he doesn't know what he seen, and I don't think he could pick it out of a group of pictures if I showed him.. but it kind of disappoints me that he somewhat seen the dress. Ah well - I guess this is pretty much THE only traditional thing that we are doing, so I really don't want him to see me in it before the big day but to each their own :) it's your wedding day do whatever's right for you!!

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