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Sad day....MIL & FIL unable to attend wedding.....WEB CAM??

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We had a feeling that this could happen. My Mother in Law has become very ill over the last year. We booked our wedding almost a year ago and she was fine at the time. Unfortunately she has become confined to a wheelchair and has trouble getting around. I was hoping she would still be able to come to our wedding but unfortunately they canceled yesterday.


Does any one know if there is a way to set up a Web Cam at the ROR?? I may email Chandlyn as well but just thought I would call upon my fellow desties!!


I really want them to be involved...even if it was via web cam because as it stand now we were not going to have an at home reception.....


Thanks Everyone!

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Hey, sorry to hear about your FMIL. I hope she feels better.


Weird coincedence tho. I just posted about this a couple days ago. The resort we chose is a bit pricey for FI's family, so we looked into the webcast option too. We looked into IdoStream live wedding webcast, broadcast and video streaming. Share your wedding live online for friends and family who cannot make it to the event. and they emailed me back with some info. For the $199 package, you would need wireless internet, a camcorder + laptop. I can send it to you if you like! They even have an option that enables chat after the ceremony and stuff. With a huge resort like the ROR, i'm sure they have wireless + would be able to work something out for you. :)

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