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Any 2011 Brides out there?

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Originally Posted by mexbride83 View Post

Is anyone else dealing with a million questions from guests about the safety of going to Mexico?? Arghhh it's definitely reaching a frustrating point! I've had people ask me if the resort is surrounded by a wall and how many security guards are there, I've had people tell us they aren't coming because they're afraid of being kidnapped, and I've even had people ask me about their safety traveling from the airport to the resort! You'd think I chose to have my wedding in Afghanistan or something! Anyone else dealing with this and frustrted?

I have about 10 people back out for this reason. I didn't plan on that many people going from the beginning but for that many to back out has thoroughly pissed me off. I tried to keep it at the 25 limit but i guess that was a waste cause it's about 15 people now.

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So far I don't have guests who ask me that question yet!  But I do watch American Most Wanted, and geez..I have no problem going to USA.

If I count it properly, I think the number of crimes in USA is actually higher than in Mexico.  Not to mention, Mexico is not a terrorist target.

Ask your guest if they think NYC is safe?!




LOL! I warned you that the Royal is a popular resort!  I told my guest to RSVP like 4 months in advance!

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Ohhh I've got a good one! 


Okay, FI's mom is... a handful in many senses. We've given her wedding details no less than six times and she NEVER remembers. Well then the other day, she asks FI where the wedding is going to be. "Cancun, Mexico" is the answer, of course. Her reply was something along the lines of, "Ohhh..... oh really? Oh gosh.. oh no." Note: She likes to make these grimacing faces, too. FI: "did you stub your toe?" Mom: "huh?" FI: "did you stub your toe? You said 'uh oh' so I was wondering what was wrong." Mom: "oh... no... well... is it a joke? are you joking? Cancun?... I mean.. I don't think Dad and I can go, it's dangerous with the mexican cartels." FI's response was basically that his parents are more than invited and he hopes they go, but we don't give a shit who's going and we're doing it for ourselves, and that our wedding shouldn't accommodate everyone else bc it's about us. (of course, he said it in a much nicer tone and form than how I'm paraphrasing) 


It's like umm... I just moved from Chicago (how many murders are there a week in the wealthiest neighborhoods?) to LA (have you tried walking down Sunset?). And I'm originally from south Texas, so ... yeah. I'm just sitting back and watching the ignorance floating around. 


Originally Posted by Mischaka View Post


Originally Posted by mexbride83 View Post

Is anyone else dealing with a million questions from guests about the safety of going to Mexico?? Arghhh it's definitely reaching a frustrating point! I've had people ask me if the resort is surrounded by a wall and how many security guards are there, I've had people tell us they aren't coming because they're afraid of being kidnapped, and I've even had people ask me about their safety traveling from the airport to the resort! You'd think I chose to have my wedding in Afghanistan or something! Anyone else dealing with this and frustrted?

I have about 10 people back out for this reason. I didn't plan on that many people going from the beginning but for that many to back out has thoroughly pissed me off. I tried to keep it at the 25 limit but i guess that was a waste cause it's about 15 people now.

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Prettypigpig - Funny enough, the one who asked if the resort had a wall surrounding it and guards on duty LIVES in NYC! And has for 20+ years.


It's really ridiculous how much people are freaking out over this when its all around the border towns and drug trade routes. Arghhh. The most frustrating is that very close friends of my family (close enough that she and my mom were the two people I went dress shoppig with!) have backed out because they feel it is unsafe:( Her husband is a very wealthy, prominent person, and they claim that he is too well known to travel to such a "dangerous" area. I was very upset by this, but I know that my parents are far more hurt than I am, and I hate that:(

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Aww I'm really sorry mexbride! I know it's hard bc it's your special day and you want your close loved ones there with you. But hard as it is, try not to let it bother you too much. Think of it this way. After I heard the comments, I thought it was better if people with those sentiments NOT go at all. I do not want attitude, complaints, and grimacing faces during my wedding week. That would upset me much worse than missing a few sour guests. As for prominent, wealthy people in Mexico... it seems a lot of people must have missed the nonstop media action over all the celebrities relaxing and partying in Mexico (Cabo to be precise) over the holidays.  

Originally Posted by mexbride83 View Post

Prettypigpig - Funny enough, the one who asked if the resort had a wall surrounding it and guards on duty LIVES in NYC! And has for 20+ years.


It's really ridiculous how much people are freaking out over this when its all around the border towns and drug trade routes. Arghhh. The most frustrating is that very close friends of my family (close enough that she and my mom were the two people I went dress shoppig with!) have backed out because they feel it is unsafe:( Her husband is a very wealthy, prominent person, and they claim that he is too well known to travel to such a "dangerous" area. I was very upset by this, but I know that my parents are far more hurt than I am, and I hate that:(

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If someone can feel safe when planes were crashing into their city for no reason, then I am sure the drug cartels are nothing to them.

I think Obama went to Afganistan without getting into any danger, and seriously I don't think any mexican drug lord would recognize Mr. Bloomberg in Playa Del Carmen. 

The thing is  there are so many ignorant people around us, sometimes we just have to let them be, and move on.

My dad is not coming to my wedding because of the old traditional chinese way of thinking, and there is nothing I can do about it.

Just move on, and I am sure you will have a beautiful wedding.

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I agree with you all. I have had the same questions asked and I've reminded them about 911. We all live in NY and have this tragedy to remember for the rest of our lives. I tell them all the time.... We we're attacked by terrorists and thousands were killed in the heart of NYC and you're worried about some drug cartel at the border, which is miles and miles away from cancun? I'm done....those that want to be there will, those that don't can just stay behind because I'm not going to put up with negative comments or frowns. I'm getting married on the beach in cancun, as planned. 

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Thanks all for your support - and for putting it into perspective!! Vettiebean -  I especially love what you said about not wanting those people with the negative attitudes there. We're having our rehearsal dinner/welcome party off the resort (planned and paid for by the grooms parents... that's a whole other drama/stressor for another day! Basically she's throwing a party to try to out-do the wedding)... and I can't imagine the drama that would occur when they found out they were going to have to - GASP! - leave the resort and go out into those drug cartel filled streets and probably be beheaded on their way to PDC hahaha. So you're right, best that they don't come so the people with the positive outlook can enjoy it without their fear mongering:)  As we're getting closer and having more people back out, it's hard not to take it personally and be hurt. But I have to keep reminding myself that it's not about all of them, its just about me and my fiance. And to be grateful for all of those who are coming!

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:) LOL mexbride, I think a lot of us are having similar experiences. That's why it's so easy for me to talk about this topic and relate! lol I'm glad we can all laugh about it after some venting. It's not easy to deal with, but it does make you realize what's truly important in all this. At first, I didn't want any guests, at all. But I know it's imp to FI to have a few of his best friends there (and some people weren't taking "no, you can't go" for an answer), so we decided to invite people. Now, those same people that insisted on being invited are complaining about our choices. But, you're right, at the end of the day, it's all about you and your fiance. When I heard FMIL's comments, I updated our wedding website to make it very clear that while people are welcome to come and we'd be happy with their presence, we by no means want anyone to feel obligated to go or want anyone to go who has any hesitations or reservations on the matter. Basically... it was my nice way of saying, "I am not gonna deal with your bad attitude at my wedding. So if you have a problem, don't go!" (I should also mention how unbelievable picky some of these guests are... *rolls eyes*) hehe Everyone says it and it's true... weddings really bring out the good and bad in people, and a lot of surprises! Don't worry, concentrate on how amazing the trip and wedding will be, take lots of awesome pictures, and I assure you, the other guests will be drooling in envy once you get back and the stories are shared! 

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Awwww, you poor girls... something you all dont need on top of trying to organise your wedding!!! Im quite lucky to have no-one be bothered about stuff like that, but i dont know if that much of it is covered in our news (UK) to make people wonder. Saying that i dont have numbers coming like you girls.

I do feel for you though!!!



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