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Any 2011 Brides out there?

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Originally Posted by lisadias View Post


Congrats Ladies on becoming aunties!

I sure hope I don't become one anytime soon cause my sisters are only 19, 20 and 22 and I better have one before they do! lol

side note(I am 36 so there isn't much time left ) and my FFIL just tonight said that the only thing he wishes for is that I announce I am pregrant at our AHR in July!! Oh boy, no pressure right?


Haha, definatly no pressure....

Im 31 no kids my sister is married ( for 5 years ) now has 2 kids and she is 28!!! bit back to front if you ask me!!! LOL :-) x


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Girls help again!


Do you think it will be a good idea to plan a tour around Chichen Itza with my guests? I was thinking to give them this option... I know some of them will love to  sunbathe but others might enjoy visiting the area. cheer2.gif


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Originally Posted by torib View Post


Congrats ladies....I'm a new auntie too but my nephew is 4 weeks now. Be sure to spoil them rotten wink.gif

Originally Posted by prettypigpig View Post


My sis are 20 and 22 yrs old, and they both want to be aunties so badly...

One keeps checking out Baby Gap and Zara Babies!

I am 30, and very very allergic to kids (lol) and very career oriented!  However, me and my FI agreed that we will start to try next year after our wedding.


Thanks torib :-) You 2... congrats x


Bonnie your so funny!!! Hope you find something of your allergy b4 next year!!! LOL :-)




Originally Posted by Nan View Post


Nicyx :


Your niece is adorable!!!  Congrats!! Do you get to see her often?



 congrats to you too!!! 





I dont get to see my family as much as i would like they live quite far away and with me not driving its more difficult (this is going to be my main priority when we get back from Mexico, i was learnign but we found house a lot sooner than we thought!!) .... I am going to visit the weekend of the 5th Nov cant wait to see everone :-) x


Originally Posted by Nan View Post


Girls help again!


Do you think it will be a good idea to plan a tour around Chichen Itza with my guests? I was thinking to give them this option... I know some of them will love to  sunbathe but others might enjoy visiting the area. cheer2.gif



I think it will be a great idea, this is something i want to do, we will suggest it to our guests and hopefully all go together but if not then so be it.... Just suggest it to them and take it from there ......... x 

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Thanks everyone!! :) Nicola, my sis is younger than me too (only 16 months though) and has been married for 3 years and now has two beautiful boys.


I haven't been home in over 2.5 years (haven't been able to because of my visas and money issues) and have never seen any of my nephews other than on Skype and photos. It is hard!! My sis will probably bring the little one to Mexico, so I am excited. Hopefully I will be able to go home and visit sometime after the wedding. I need to make some serious money, like now! :)


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hahaha...Primavera..that is what I said to myself everyday too!  However, with the current economic situation of the matured countries ( it is sad to work in the financial industry with tons of economists and strategists talking to u everyday), I doubt I can make much much more (unless I win the lottery jackpot!).  Therefore, after babies, maybe I will seriously consider the option to move back to Hong Kong where people gets paid like NYC and London people, but with lower taxe rate and better growth...oh..and better weather too. 

Texas has better taxe rate and weather, so I guess you are still better than most of us! heehee

Originally Posted by primavera View Post

Thanks everyone!! :) Nicola, my sis is younger than me too (only 16 months though) and has been married for 3 years and now has two beautiful boys.


I haven't been home in over 2.5 years (haven't been able to because of my visas and money issues) and have never seen any of my nephews other than on Skype and photos. It is hard!! My sis will probably bring the little one to Mexico, so I am excited. Hopefully I will be able to go home and visit sometime after the wedding. I need to make some serious money, like now! :)


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I am 7.5 yrs older than my first little sister, second one (an accident) 10 yrs older, and my little brother ( another accident) 14.5 yrs older, so after all the babysitting with teething, sickness and diapers...no thx.  but really..no..thx!  I think chicks who are eager to have kids are the ones that don't have a clue on what babies are about besides the cute and playful side.  Of course, my 3 years of medical training, which I saw the "what can go wrong", didn't really help neither.  Overall, I am super experienced with babies and kids, and reach the point that I can live with or without them. 

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