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Any 2011 Brides out there?

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I wish our guests had as much common sense as we do!!! I haven't had anyone back out but I did have a few from the get go that refused to go to mexico. Some of the guests coming have shown concern but really I just dismiss it saying it is no where near where we are and I live in Toronto where there are shootings and accidents all the time. I feel safer in Mexico to be honest! In the end you don't want them there if they are not happy to be there and scared all the time. I have some guests that are worried and have just said they will not go off the resort which makes them feel better for some reason but whatever i will have two drinks in hand at all times and nothing will bother me that week lol :)

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Vettiebean - LOL at all of your comments!!! You are right, weddings bring out the best and the worst in people.. Here's a summary of my backouts and their wacky excuses to give everyone a good laugh!! After hearing this crap, you either laugh or cry.. I've done enough crying, here's to laughing from now on...

  1. FI's father & stepmother - Can't go because they have to put shocks/struts on their car, can't get the time off of work (the wedding is on a Fri - she is a realtor and he is school social worker), need a trailor to get them ready for a move in June (the wedding is in Apr), there are some more, but this post could get long lol!
  2. My Aunt - just had to spend $1200 to get her car fixed. She has a Mercedes, her oldest daughter is 21 (not in college) & she has a beautiful home. Did I mention she took her daughter to Miami less than a yr ago for her 21st bday?!
  3. BM (Possibly) - BM's wife has just stopped returning my calls / texts. I know her phone still works because she sent me a text like 2 weeks ago to meet her at a bar for drinks! BM told my FI he may have to work now!


Bright Side - A lot less Xmas gifts to buy and less parties/gatherings to suffer thru next year!

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Cheers to that!!! cheers.gif


Originally Posted by lisadias View Post

I wish our guests had as much common sense as we do!!! I haven't had anyone back out but I did have a few from the get go that refused to go to mexico. Some of the guests coming have shown concern but really I just dismiss it saying it is no where near where we are and I live in Toronto where there are shootings and accidents all the time. I feel safer in Mexico to be honest! In the end you don't want them there if they are not happy to be there and scared all the time. I have some guests that are worried and have just said they will not go off the resort which makes them feel better for some reason but whatever i will have two drinks in hand at all times and nothing will bother me that week lol :)

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Hi!  Newbie here-- planning a 11/11/11 wedding in Playa.  I live in D.C. and my family is from the area.  Fiance's family is from outside of Detroit.  Most have understood that the crime rate in Mexico is grossly exaggerated and no worse than cities in the U.S.


There were a couple relatives that voiced a bit of concern, but once we spoke with them things were all smoothed out.  Don't let anyone make you second guess your decision- it's the day/place you and your fiance chose, and those who love you will be there.


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LOL Good point at the end, diahr! Also, glad to know my sarcasm and humor shows through the writing. lol you can't always tell in blog/e-communication form. 


Yeah, people love to come up with cockamamey excuses for why they can't possibly come. Personally, I feel their idiocy fools no one. I am opposite of a lot of brides on here though. I'm actually hoping/expecting no one to come, or at least very few. I always wanted a very small, intimate wedding. FI is just a much nicer person than I am, so he invited a lot of people. I... invited like three people. lol I just want to focus on the fun, party loving people that truly want to be there with us. I don't want people to go and feel like they've done us a huge favor by taking a vacation that they usually take every year anyway. It's like... don't expect me to somehow feel indebted to you, if you are constantly taking passive aggressive jibes at how expensive, how troublesome, and how ill decided this is going to be. STAY HOME! No one wants to deal with that kind of attitude or those ugly faces! Be happy they aren't going, I know would be! 

Originally Posted by diahr View Post

Vettiebean - LOL at all of your comments!!! You are right, weddings bring out the best and the worst in people.. Here's a summary of my backouts and their wacky excuses to give everyone a good laugh!! After hearing this crap, you either laugh or cry.. I've done enough crying, here's to laughing from now on...

  1. FI's father & stepmother - Can't go because they have to put shocks/struts on their car, can't get the time off of work (the wedding is on a Fri - she is a realtor and he is school social worker), need a trailor to get them ready for a move in June (the wedding is in Apr), there are some more, but this post could get long lol!
  2. My Aunt - just had to spend $1200 to get her car fixed. She has a Mercedes, her oldest daughter is 21 (not in college) & she has a beautiful home. Did I mention she took her daughter to Miami less than a yr ago for her 21st bday?!
  3. BM (Possibly) - BM's wife has just stopped returning my calls / texts. I know her phone still works because she sent me a text like 2 weeks ago to meet her at a bar for drinks! BM told my FI he may have to work now!


Bright Side - A lot less Xmas gifts to buy and less parties/gatherings to suffer thru next year!

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Can you believe it is almost our turn!  Hey don't worry about those guest that backed out.  I had the questions and the hesitations but hey if anyone knows me I would be the last person to risk my life over a wedding.  So if they really think that I would put them in harms way they don't know me and shouldn't be there! Its was just an easy excuse to get out saying no and they can't afford it which is way more honorable than latter.  


So ladies, I have been mia from this thread for a while and it is my turn very very soon........no I should say OUR (Mischaka) turn very very soon.  Ihope all is well with my wedding date twin!!


I am so behind so who else is getting married in February?

Originally Posted by Mischaka View Post


Originally Posted by mexbride83 View Post

Is anyone else dealing with a million questions from guests about the safety of going to Mexico?? Arghhh it's definitely reaching a frustrating point! I've had people ask me if the resort is surrounded by a wall and how many security guards are there, I've had people tell us they aren't coming because they're afraid of being kidnapped, and I've even had people ask me about their safety traveling from the airport to the resort! You'd think I chose to have my wedding in Afghanistan or something! Anyone else dealing with this and frustrted?

I have about 10 people back out for this reason. I didn't plan on that many people going from the beginning but for that many to back out has thoroughly pissed me off. I tried to keep it at the 25 limit but i guess that was a waste cause it's about 15 people now.

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I have had a few guest express concern and 1 decide to not come. What has worked for me is being very understanding. I am careful to not trivalize their feelings. What is going on in Mexico is very real and is not just at the border, but it is also NOT in the resort areas. I picked a large resort with lots of things to do because I wanted my guest to feel comfortable coming. There are some of us that will go site seeing throught the local area but those that are not okay with that have plenty to do on the resort. I let my guest no that I understand how they feel but that I would also not put them or myself in any danger. Me and FI being so understanding and reassuring has put a lot of our guest fears to rest and we are no longer hearing any concerns or complaints. Teh guest that decided not to come was very upfront that she was scared. My reply was "I completely understand and I would not want you to spend money on a vacation that you would not be able to relax and enjoy. Its okay and there are no hard feelings".


It is easy to say that people just have excuses but to be honest their fears are valid to them. The American media has done so much to highlight the crime in Mexico, so it is understandable why people feel the way they do (its not right but it is understandable). In the end all we can do is ensure our guest that we have done our research and are confidant in the security of the locations that we have picked, and be understanding (not upset) at the people who choose not to go (unless they really are being an ass and giving you a hard time). I will enjoy my day even if it is just me and FI!

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i completely understand!

FI had 3 guys wanting to back out a couple weeks ago after their army friend said he wasnâ€t coming with them because his lieutenant advised against it “due to the current state that country is inâ€. I couldnâ€t believe it,  I was so choked at first, because Iâ€m pretty darn sure the brides who just had their weddings in Mexico didnâ€t get married in a freaken warzone…..but we were trying to be understanding and not push them. they were genuinely concerned for their well-being. So we let it go, because how they feel is beyond our control. They started to cause a stir between some other guests which really ticked me off – so youâ€re thinking of not going – why the *beep* are you trying to get others to not go too???

Since then, 2 out of the 3 have paid their 2nd deposit while one is still “on the fenceâ€.

Try not to let it dampen the excitement of your wedding! Itâ€s nothing we can control. Try focusing on aspects you can control – flowers, music, etc….or a fun DIY project.

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Hello Ladies,


So I have finally returned to reality! Our wedding was fantastic. I would not change a thing :)


For all of you that have friends/family worried about the destinations....my advice,(since we went through it a lot): Reassure them you would never take them to an unsafe place. But that being said, use common sense. Stay in known areas, ie. don't wander off the beaten path. If you wouldn't walk around at night be yourself at home, don't do it away! I live in Toronto, and there are certain areas you would never find me in, and that are far more dangerous than the tourist areas down south.

And if they continued to be worried, like another girl said, the final decision is up to them! Let them know you would love to have them there, but that you would not be upset if they decided not to attend. Last thing you want to do is have to babysit them down there! You want to enjoy your wedding.

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