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A question about rings...

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I wear my ring all the time with the exception of showering/getting ready (I use this time to clean my ring!), doing dishes, putting on lotion, working out and cleaning. Other than these things, as long as you take care of your ring, day to day activities are not too hard on it. That and I don't like NOT having it on haha!

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I usually take mine off to shower, when I go swimming or the beach, or when I clean, and sleep just because my hands sometimes get swollen at night. But other than that I keep it on. It was very hard at first for me to take it off even to shower, but in my mind it's always there even when I have it off, the ring if for other people to see, we know in our hearts we are meant to be together, with or without rings... =)

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I never ever ever take my ring off. The only time I take it off is when the jeweler cleans it. I feel like you are asking for trouble by taking it off so many times (I tend to lose/drop things all the time). I use a glove when I am painting the house or doing something that might permanently damage the ring (drywall plaster and such). My ring fits perfect, if not a little too tight. When my finger swells the ring doesn’t budge at all, but when I am cold it doesn’t go over my knuckle easily (which is what the jeweler said it should do). I rather it be a tad too tight then too loose. I can see how some women don’t like it too tight since it can be uncomfortable, but I got used to it pretty fast since I am super scared that I will lose it.


Ha, my mom never takes her ring off either and said the same thing to me, that the safest place for your ring is on your finger.

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