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Just realized I'm getting old...


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My FI and I put in an offer on a house today... it really made me think. I'm getting old!


I have established a career. I'm in control of my finances. I have a well behaved dog. I volunteer my time. I donate to charities. I own one house, soon I'll have two (hopefully- cross your fingers they accept our offer). I'll be married in 4 months...


That's stuff people who are mature adults do! I still feel like a kid.


Has anyone else felt this wayhuh.gif I know I'm not a kid anymore but being an adult is scarey!!!!

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I never felt old when i bought my condo, i just felt like it was time! Old is really a state of mind and I don't necessarily equate buying a place with getting old. I work with girls who have bought their first home, by themselves, by the time they were 25! Crazy! Just think of all the great things you've accomplished by your age and be proud of yourself!

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Oh I know exactly what you mean! In the last 6 months I've gotten engaged, bought my first car (my sweet 16 birthday gift finally bit the dust...haha), paid off my student loan, bought a house and I should be hearing any day about a new job. Big changes! It certainly feels odd having all these "adult" responsibilities! What happened to the days when the only expenses we worried about were cell phone bills, gas money and 25 cent draft!

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Ahhhh gee...ya'll just HAVE to remind me.


Just got a Facebook update the other day from a highschool friend about her grandkids! Granted she married her daddy (metaphorically speaking) and they are her step-grandkids. But still, that was a shocker and ewww.


I'm 31, gave up my comfy job to go back to school...as if the teens aren't enough? First day of class I swore off Uggs and send my fiance a pic of the coooooool kids that wear only black and laugh so maturely...huh-huh-huh-puff-puff as they hold their ciggie in the air....they're deep. Like "Deep Thoughts" from old enough SNL that I WOULD remember.


Ahhh gee Mr. Wilson...my arse is OLD!!! Heh-heh-heh...but so are yoooouuuuuuu!

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FI and I turned 40 last year. We own a home, 3 cars and 3 motorcycles. We both have established careers. We have friends that have kids in the teens and early 20s, yet we feel like we're still kids. The only time I really feel old is when I try to go out during the week and then have to get up in the morning to go to work...or when my much younger friends talk about having computer labs in high school and college. I typed my college papers on a TYPEWRITER Y'ALL...and my first few jobs....there was no INTERNET!!!!


Age is a state of mind. If you feel old, you'll act old, and you'll be old. We feel young, act young, so we are young...enjoy your life...you only get one!

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