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Haiti Hit by Earthquake


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This is crazy, sad, and horrific. Now Im worried we leave for Turks and Caicos on Sunday for our wedding. Tsunamis are scary and Im definitely terrified of them (one of my worst fears). I pray nothing happens on our trip! Praying for all the families in haiti!

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Originally Posted by future_mrs2010 View Post
This is crazy, sad, and horrific. Now Im worried we leave for Turks and Caicos on Sunday for our wedding. Tsunamis are scary and Im definitely terrified of them (one of my worst fears). I pray nothing happens on our trip! Praying for all the families in haiti!
We're all fine in the T&C, we didn't feel anything, most of us found out about the tsunami warning after it was over. The 17 miles of shallow sandbanks to the south of us would make a tsunami coming from the south very difficult to become big. Our island is fine and ready for you to come.

We do have a large Haitian community on island though and many of our friends are working hard to find out about loved ones in Haiti. Please keep all of them in your prayers.

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Maybe I'm a wee bit of a worry-wart....but is anyone concerned about your wedding/travels to the DR because of the proximity of the earthquakes in Haiti?


Our wedding is in May but I'm a bit concerned. Not to be selfish though, I feel for the people of Haiti and pray for them to recover from this disaster.

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Thanks for the quick response! That does help a bit but I just worry that a country that hadn't experienced such a quake in 200 years had 2 in just a week and 2 that were high on the Richter scale!


Thanks for the info, especially since your dad is the one that's there. :)

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