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Originally Posted by HereFishie View Post
I've been trying to get FI's combats/fatigues... maybe his jacket... not sure how easy that's going to be. Might have to just use a Flames jersey!
I did some shots in his Leafs jersey and I did end up managing to get one of his workshirts as well! I can't wait to see the shots! When is your shoot?
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I'm was feeling so nervous during the week leading up but it was amazing how quickly that goes away. I think so much of the nerves is because this was so out of the ordinary for me.


Here are my top tips: try on your outfits, lay them out, bring way more than you'll need and don't wear tight fitting clothes on the day of your shoot (you don't want lines!), take a shot of something :), have fun!

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My shoot is a week from Saturday!!! I went shopping yesterday and bought some really sexy outfits!! I am also using Jennifer from Jenerations photography. I am so happy that everyone who has used her couldn't have asked for anything more. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm also a little nervous. Thanks for all the advise everyone has posted! Oh and I am also getting my makeup done.

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I know I am so late joining in the convo. But all of your pics look AMAZING! OMG you ladies are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!


I did not know what it was until I joined the site so I could not schedule a session before our wedding but I am doing one this weekend!! I am so excited. Only thing is that I have to drive to Chicago and it is only two hours long. DH is going to be amazed. He is driving with me but he has no clue why we are going.


Question - do you think I should let him come with me to the shoot and surprise or just wait until Imake the book for him?


So excited!! If anyone knows someone in Indianapolis, IN that does this let me know. I have done searches and even e-mailed some people but no one responded. Would love to do one for one year anniversary as well. Right before we start trying to get preggo.

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Originally Posted by Loveisintheair View Post
I know I am so late joing in the convo. But all of your pics look AMAZING! OMG you ladies are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!

Question - do you think I should let him come with me to the shoot and surprise or just wait until I make the book for him?
Thanks! I'd make him wait! Surprise him with the book! It will be great to see him open it and relies what it is! Its hard to do, I want so badly to show my Hubby the teaser I have, but I know it will ruin the surprise!
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I agree, make him wait for the book!! That's half the fun of it! :)



FutureMrsSears - you will have a great time with Jen!! She is such a great person, very easy going & has great suggestions. I brought a bunch of stuff, some of which I didn't use (like extra undies, jewelry & shoes), but she had me lay out the outfits & then we talked about which outfit would look best in each area (on the chaise lounge, the bed, by the mirror & the beaded curtain). It was so much fun!!


And getting your make-up done is a must! It really makes all the difference in the pics. It's amazing how you can be transformed from girl-next-door to sex kitten with the right eye makeup!! haha. Oh, & my appt was at 10 am so there was no alcohol involved, but you really don't need it.

Have a great time & let us know how it goes!!

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Thanks for all the GREAT advice. I am having my shoot June 18, 2010. I do not know what shirt of his to bring. I think I will bring too many changes and go from there. I lack imagination, so i hope a couple stories that I tell will help my photographer. I will keep checking in for ideas until that very day, I'm sure!!!

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Originally Posted by TheFutureMrs.Sears View Post
My shoot is a week from Saturday!!! I went shopping yesterday and bought some really sexy outfits!! I am also using Jennifer from Jenerations photography. I am so happy that everyone who has used her couldn't have asked for anything more. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm also a little nervous. Thanks for all the advise everyone has posted! Oh and I am also getting my makeup done.
You will have a great time with Jen! She's AWESOME.

Are you using Oksana for the makeup?
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Definitely make him wait.... and for many reasons.

1. You might be self concious with him in there.

2. He might not get it and might be weird about it... and that'd suck

3. The presentation of the book will be SO awesome compared to seeing you giggling getting into the outfits.

4. If you are doing a marathon, boys aren't allowed. There will be other ladies in the room getting their makeup done and such, so typically men aren't allowed.

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