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BC / Vancouver / Canadian brides - help!

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can't help you with the part about being from BC...


but my brother lived there, and he got married in his living room, had the commissioner come there. he said it was easy, and they actually had a surprise wedding for a few friends. they thought they were coming over for dinner. (no family was invited...so 5yrs later there is still some disappointment about that)

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Two things for Alberta - you need to go with FI and get a marriage license which takes about 10-15min at the registry Marriage License Info and then you need to find a marriage commissioner that is in your area who you would like to have perform the 'ceremony' for you Getting Married & commmissioner info - you could also have someone from a church do it but if you don't go somewhere already it can be a little bit tricky.

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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
Two things for Alberta - you need to go with FI and get a marriage license which takes about 10-15min at the registry Marriage License Info and then you need to find a marriage commissioner that is in your area who you would like to have perform the 'ceremony' for you Getting Married & commmissioner info - you could also have someone from a church do it but if you don't go somewhere already it can be a little bit tricky.
Thanks! Those links were really helpful.
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  • 8 months later...

I also had my ceremony done by Ann Moore. It was really lovely. We got our marriage license at London Drugs where my hubby asked if there is a return policy lol. The marriage license expires in 3 months.

After I arranged a marriage Ceremony with Ann at her house. Her ceremony script is one of the most romantic scripts i have ever heard. Truly touching. We paid $100 plus tip. She said we could bring champagne to celebrate after but we were heading to the gym and it was at 11am.

She did a really amazing job! Which i could take her with me to Mexico.

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I am reaaally hoping someone in here can help me, I've exhausted all the information google seems to be able to give me! My fiance and I are eloping to Vancouver, BC in February, we've got all the details figured out, we know how the whole thing works (also can't believe we can't go to City Hall!). The problem is that neither of us are from Canada, we don't know anyone there so we can't just have our little ceremony at their house. We already contacted Ann Moore but she's away for the dates we need. Does anyone know of ANY other Wedding Commissioner who also offers their own home to have the ceremony? Our only other option is getting married in a park in February, and since we have to ask strangers to be our witnesses we don't want to scare them off with torrential rain or anything...If we have to get married outdoors then so be it, my only concern in that scenario is the witnesses (and I don't like being cold and wet!). We're aiming for Vancouver area, but don't have our hearts set on that particular city, we're just driving from Washington State and don't want to go too much further than there. Thanks for your time :)


PS. Any tips on how to ask someone to be our witness, we're both a little shy, do we just grab someone off the street?! That was another plus for Ann Moore...she could also provide witnesses!

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Hi, I really hope one of you can help me, I feel like I've exhausted every piece of information that Google can offer and still don't have an answer! I never knew THAT was possible til now!!


My fiance and I are planning a Destination Wedding in BC, probably Vancouver...and by destination wedding I technically mean that we're eloping...in February...


Now after my (many) hours on Google I know how the whole thing works, I have it all figured out there's only one detail I'm having trouble with. Everyone recommends Ann Moore, she offers her own home, she can find witnesses for you, she's really lovely...but what do you do when she's not available?! Neither of us are Canadian, so we can't do it in OUR home, we don't know anyone there so we can't do it in THEIR home. We can have our ceremony in a public park (free since we're a small party, only have to move if a paying party arrives), which would be great if it wasn't February and likely to rain on us. I don't care about getting wet (but would prefer not to), I imagine that the wedding commissioner will do as their told since they're being paid to be there, but I don't want to scare off our witnesses (who will be total strangers) with torrential rain.


So what I'm asking is, does anyone know of a DIFFERENT wedding commissioner who offers a similar "service" (for want of a better word) to Ann Moore? My next step is to simply email every single commissioner on the list but I'm a little reluctant to do that, it seems a bit rude.."Hey you, how much are you and can we use your house?" :P


ANY help you can give at this point will be REALLY appreciated. And if you can offer tips of how to encourage two strangers to be our witnesses, then that'd be appreciated too! I know I personally would be wary of someone asking me to be a witness at their wedding ceremony!!


Thank you for your time!

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Hi Little Princess! My friends mom is a wedding commissioner. Her name is Gaylene Shapka 7789685842 and her email [email protected]. She lives in Coquitlam. 30 minutes away from Vancouver. You can ask her if she can provide 2 witnesses?

Originally Posted by Little Princess View Post

Hi, I really hope one of you can help me, I feel like I've exhausted every piece of information that Google can offer and still don't have an answer! I never knew THAT was possible til now!!


My fiance and I are planning a Destination Wedding in BC, probably Vancouver...and by destination wedding I technically mean that we're eloping...in February...


Now after my (many) hours on Google I know how the whole thing works, I have it all figured out there's only one detail I'm having trouble with. Everyone recommends Ann Moore, she offers her own home, she can find witnesses for you, she's really lovely...but what do you do when she's not available?! Neither of us are Canadian, so we can't do it in OUR home, we don't know anyone there so we can't do it in THEIR home. We can have our ceremony in a public park (free since we're a small party, only have to move if a paying party arrives), which would be great if it wasn't February and likely to rain on us. I don't care about getting wet (but would prefer not to), I imagine that the wedding commissioner will do as their told since they're being paid to be there, but I don't want to scare off our witnesses (who will be total strangers) with torrential rain.


So what I'm asking is, does anyone know of a DIFFERENT wedding commissioner who offers a similar "service" (for want of a better word) to Ann Moore? My next step is to simply email every single commissioner on the list but I'm a little reluctant to do that, it seems a bit rude.."Hey you, how much are you and can we use your house?" :P


ANY help you can give at this point will be REALLY appreciated. And if you can offer tips of how to encourage two strangers to be our witnesses, then that'd be appreciated too! I know I personally would be wary of someone asking me to be a witness at their wedding ceremony!!


Thank you for your time!

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