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Maid of Honour is PISSING me off!


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I have asked nothing of my maid of honour...NOTHING! I'm one of those "do it yourself" type brides. We've been friends since highschool - so that's going back 12 years now.


So anyways I had ordered some items from Victoria's Secret with my other Maid of Honour (yes i have two), we did this to save on shipping because shipping to Canada is so expensive. The order came in after boxing day and my girlfriend and i have tried to hook up to do the exchange but we've been busy. She told me she's meeting up with my other maid of honour tomorrow to discuss the stagette (which by the way is SO low key because i just told them don't do anything for me, and if you insist just do it in Jamaica where everything is free and all the family/friends can come)...so anyways, the maid of honour who i purchased the Victoria's Secret stuff with asked if i could please drop it off at the other girls house and she's send me a wire transfer for the money. That's no problem but it's been a busy day working full time and planning the wedding, picking up the dress tonight etc. So i realize that my FI drives by her house everyday so i call her and ask her if she'd mind if he just dropped it off at her place tomorrow morning at 8:30 and you know what she tells me? "I'd really like to sleep in until 9 tomorrow"..."what?" i say, "can't you just run down and grab the bag and go back to bed? "i'd really like to sleep in, i had to get up at 6 today" She had to get up at 6 because she was staying at her boyfriends house the night before. She's currently unemployed, and works only part-time. I was honestly appalled. So i had to drive over there and drop it off.


Honestly, i just can't believe she said no, it' snot like i was asking her to get up at 5 am


i just don't understand some people, i really don't


on and i might want to add...last week she had the flu and asked if i would mind dropping off some gatorade for her. So i drove over there on my FI's Christmas Dinner celebration day, to drop off a care package of gatorade, gingerale, crackers, soup, gravol


oh how soon we forget


sorry had to vent

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How annoying of her to be so selfish! If it makes you feel any better, I asked my MOH if she could accompany me to the biggest wedding show of the year that's happening this weekend and she's decided that she'd rather go shopping in the states!!!!! It's the first and only thing I've asked of her this far and she's been my MOH since May 2009! Definitely a different situation, but why is it so hard to think of the women who honored them with the title of MOH in the first place?? Sheeezz..!!!!

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Girlfriend, you are too nice. You must learn the fine art of manipulation.


Mistake: Asking her "can't you just run down and grab the bag and go back to bed?"


Here's how it should have gone...

Her: "I'd really like to sleep in until 9 tomorrow"

You: "OK, he'll swing by at 9:30 then, no worries." (evil grin...heheheh)


Actual scenario...fiance shows up at 8:30 (already prepped to repeatedly press the buzzer until she felt her skin crawl). She opens the door all bent and crazy-haired hooting "You were supposed to be here at 9:30, you woke me up!"

His response (already prepped and half giggling): "Oooooohhhhhhh...sorry. I must have misunderstood. And to think, I could have slept in another hour. What a bummer. So sorry."


All a big misunderstanding, no one to blame. Done. Sold. That's it.


Hehehehe...Hell, I'd rather be described as smart than nice. smile78.gif


Hindsight is 20/20 eh?

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Originally Posted by moonpalacebride View Post
How annoying of her to be so selfish! If it makes you feel any better, I asked my MOH if she could accompany me to the biggest wedding show of the year that's happening this weekend and she's decided that she'd rather go shopping in the states!!!!! It's the first and only thing I've asked of her this far and she's been my MOH since May 2009! Definitely a different situation, but why is it so hard to think of the women who honored them with the title of MOH in the first place?? Sheeezz..!!!!
I hear you!!! I really don't understand how she could tell you no. It's not like the wedding show will be back next weekend.
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Umm ya, like Marak said, you're too nice lol. I would have said "oh ok then no biggie, I'll be home xxx day at xxx time and you can pick it up! Seriously ridiculous. And the gatorade thing, OMG I can't even believe she would have the nerve to ask you to do that. You must do super nice things frequently cause I know none of my friends would ever ask me to do that lol!!!

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My MOH is also being a bit of a b&tch. She lives in a different city, and is not doing anything...which is okay with me...but then called to yell at me for asking about the stagette list. Like how dare I assume that she didnt get everyone on the list...I was just checking...WTF!

So I totally feel your pain!

Hopefully it all just blows over and she realizes its all about YOU!



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