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Post your favorite thing about your FI

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This is a great thread!


What I love most about Byron is just how he makes me feel. The way he looks at me, the way he talks to me, I know that we really were meant to be together...never have I experienced that. He also has a big heart and does anything he can for me, no matter what it means to him. I also love how he values my opinion and involves me in all his decisions, even his work ones.

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I love the way my FI knows my moods like the back of his hand. He knows when i am tired and gives me a foot and/or back rub, when i am cracky he will make me laugh, when I am frustrated, he will sooth me and let me know it will be okay. And he has the cutest butt.

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I love the way my man will support any idea that I have weather it's stupid it or not, not only will he support me he will think of a way or help me carry out my out of the world idea's. I know no matter what in the world would happen he has my back.

He has the greatest eyes in the world looks like he wear eyeliner (he hates that)

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I love how my FI is able to make me smile and feel better when I am sad or upset about something. He can always make me laugh. He always knows exactly how to make me feel better and when I am stressing out he always calms me down. We seem to fit perfectly that way because when he is stressing I calm him down. I truly believe that he is “the one” and I don’t know what I would without him!


Ps. Great thread!

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Hard to pick a favourite thing about my FI, but...

I love how he can make me smile, even when I'm really worked up and stressed. He just finds a way, every time. Oh, and he does this pouty lip thing that I'm a sucker for...totally him and beyond cute...

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