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Trying to catch up with my world again

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I am so glad to sit here for a moment and TRY to catch up with some of the happenings in BDW. What a choatic few weeks... health issues, a sudden death opf my grandfather, driving halfway across country and more. I really try hard to try to not let all of my health issues effect my daily life and actions, but lately, I am on pain killers with no relief in site for sinus issues, so I am chronically tired and off my mark. Anyway... playing in this forum is a great way to vege for a bit.


Love you guys. Sorry I have been so absentee lately.

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I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather and about your health issues! That's so hard to deal with especially over the holidays! My condolences and I hope that you feel better soon healthwise!!!


You're right about the forum being a good place to relax for awhile. Try to tune everything out as much as possible and just remember that there are lots of us here if you need to talk or vent.



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