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why am i being tested...

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ok girls im going to start paying you guys for my therepy session......

so went out last night with my mom,and brother for dinner and my twin brother pulled out this box i opened it and it was a DIAMOND ring..yup no girlfriend but a diamond ring....it does not make sense he got a good deal he could not pass up wtf.....anyways it was so beautiful...but what i realized was it is just materiistic (SP)the ring means nothing without the one you love so i had a talk with my mom and she was going to talk to him.....so crazy......

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awww. someone is testing you lol!!

I was feeling this way when aal my friends around me were getting engaged after only being with their boyfriends for a year or two... Meanwhile I had put 5 in and I didn't know what I was doing wrong! But after it actually happend (7 1/2 years later) I realized I wasn't ready before and it came at the perfect time!

Ok, not that I am saying you aren't ready, but your time will come, patience my dear (even thought I know its incredibly hard!!) smile03.gif

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its just crazy he is going through a lot right now.....he broke up with the mom of his baby for the 10th time over 8 year period you and i both knw that ring is going on her finger,,,,it is crazy the ring is just a symbol of two people in love.....not a ring first hes crazy.....its just so ironic what is happenng in my life then he has one...he says he is not giving it to her but even if its not for her which it it will....it will go on someone else to soon.....

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Well if he doesn't give it to his current ex-girlfriend then if his future girlfriend finds out that ring was purchased with another person in mind,, I can't see that going over too well. Hey look at it this way, he doesn't give the mother of his child the ring, and he wants to sell it.. Hmm I can think of someone.. :-)))

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