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New Years Eve AHR??


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Couldn't find this when searching the boards, so here goes:


We are having a small wedding in FL with an AHR in MO. I am worried about giving people a real reason to come out and celebrate with us; and making it more party like and less reception like. (I don't want to have all of the usual reception stuff) The idea of a NYE reception sounds like a blast to me. Everyone needs something to do, so why not come out for some drinks, heavy apps, and a celebration??


On theknot I had several people NOT fond of the idea. But they also think its rude to have an AHR when I didn't invite ppl to the wedding. Its my wedding we want it with only immediate family but want to celebrate back home with everyone, nothing rude meant by it!!

Anyways what do you all think? Fabulous idea or stupid??

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd say stuff the people who said you shouldn't have a AHR and invite people you didn't invite to the wedding - your wedding, your way! (what is it with weddings and people thinking we all want their opinions??!!)


re: the NYE idea, personally, I wouldn't, just because I know lots of people that spend it with their families who wouldn't necessarily be invited to the AHR etc. NYE is or can be, a big deal to some people. I would imagine though there would be plenty that would love to do it if they are the people that would already be going out or those just staying in on their own....


not really helpful I know!!


Your call!!

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I've always thought it'd be cool to do a NYE wedding, because like you said, it gives everyone something to do and a place to go!


But through talking with friends I've discovered that it is a VERY unpopular concept! LOL Some people have said it's kind of selfish and then people feel obligated to give up their NYE plans to attend your wedding.


But if it's what you guys want to do, then just go for it!

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For the NYE question: I think it depends on what your friends and family normally do for NYE. If you normally hang out with them anyway, then awesome! If they have traditions that don't include you, though, maybe you could have an AHR that doesn't go until midnight and then have an afterparty with those who wanna stick around. My opinion is that unless they have standing plans (ie family tradition), it shouldn't be a problem. You may want to consider being flexible with the guest list, though, so you don't force people to choose between their usual NYE and your AHR.


If it were me, though, I'd love to go to a NYE AHR. Especially since a lot of the places around here that have decent parties charge over $100 a head, so I usually can't get enough of my friends to go to make it fun.



As for inviting people to the AHR that you don't invite to the wedding, I think it's difficult to do that without offending anyone. If it is going to be immediate family only, I would make sure that people knew that. Otherwise, they might think that they are just B list friends and family. At the end of the day, you should do what you want, but be mindful that it may hurt some feelings.

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