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Nasty surprise in our new house!


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So every Sunday, FI and I go check out the progress of our new house which is being built and closing in June 2010.

They're making great progress and it's exciting to see all the changes that get done each week...


Except this week...

We're checking out the basement and the dog keeps going into the cold cellar and sniffing around.. I start to wonder what's in there that he's so interested in, so I go to check it out.


To my absolute disgust, there was human feces sprayed on the wall and a huge pile on the floor surrounded by toilet paper!

censored.gifcensored.gifcensored.gifHOW DISGUSTING!!!censored.gifcensored.gifcensored.gif



I am now hearing from others that this is fairly common and my co-worker actually caught the worker doing it in her new house on the actual plywood, but seriously?! That is absolutely barbaric! There are portapotties all over the street, why do they have to take a dump right in your house?!?


I am SO furious, but everyone is telling me not to call the builder to complain because who knows what else (or where else) they may do the same or worse!! And they will lock us out so we can't see what's going on inside at all....



What would you do??

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Wow, that's awful!!! sick.gif


Personally, I would call the builder and complain because that is unacceptable in my opinion. They may lock you out but I'm surprised that they don't lock up your house every night already...our builder always locked our house up at the end of the day, we usually just snuck in through the basement windows lol. I don't get it, don't they have porta-potties at the site?

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That is disgusting....

I would definitely call the builder, but put a sarcastic spin on it. They probably have people call and bitch at them all of the time, so that probably won't do anything. I would call all polite and pumped about your house......tell them how impressed you are with the progress and how great of a job they are doing and then at the end add......oh, but don't forget to pick up the pile of $%!# that your worker left in the storage room. Thanks!

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WTF! That is absolutely disgusting! Not only is that a public health matter but it's also an occupational health matter. You could call the Ministry of Labour on them and have a provinical inspector go out there an investigate that. The builder would get a huge fine for that! How does everyone else work surrounded by that?!?! Gross!!!!!!!! If you don't want to call the Ministry, then definitely the builder (but who knows...they may already be aware that it happens!)

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I know from buying two custom built homes that I have had the same experience in the first home and I did call to complain and the workers were ripped for it. The owner of the company went mental on the guys and they all pointed fingers at the different trades that were involved. I think in the end that who ever was doing that stopped because all trades were under the scope of the site super. It was taken very seriously and cleaned up. I handled it myself, I called they owner and was very calm in my approach.... He had it totally cleaned up the next time we were there. Holy smokes we are talking and purchase that will take you 25 years to pay for... Have some respect!!!!

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I would take pictures. Take pictures of everything so you have that as evidence should you persue it. And if you're going to persue it I'd wait until you were in the home.


A friend of my did the same thing that you're doing and took pictures of beer cans the workers left in their duct work. Low and behold a few months in their home they had problems with their ducts and it was the beer cans that were the issue. The builder ended up having to pay for the repair work because of the photographs they had. Thank goodness for those.

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omg that is absolutely disgusting! I would def. call and complain. I would threaten to call the public health whoever! I would def. take pictures to document it as well! If they lock you out of the house can't you require him to give you a key?? UGH! I hope you get some kind of resolution! I would be furious! Good luck!

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