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:( Postponing Wedding from Jan 2011 to Jan 2012 !!!


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It seems there will always be something or someone conflicting with the dates, that was very considerate of you to change the date! I bet it will be even more special with the time you have to plan it! Now that you have the time, I found this website yesterday from The Dazzling Details that has very thoughtful ideas to include in your DW.

They had great ideas and if you or anyone you know are crafty you may be able to re-create some ideas. Best of wishes and Happy Planning! Here is their FB fan page:


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Big hugs to you. My whole family and FI's family are all upset about our December 2010 date because it's so close to Christmas...but in the end we are getting married for us, not them so whoever shows up is who we get. Our date is for us! I won't change it for anyone!!

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Oh sweetie I feel for ya! Its true what the girls say, even if it doesn't exactly make you feel better... more time to save and hopefully more people will be there that you want! I don't think I would change it again though, since (like another girl said) it is your life and you shouldn't KEEP postponing it for everyone. Once or even twice is fine but 3 times... well lets just say it wouldn't be me! hehe


The option of getting married in Disney could be very cool! like FutureMrsLewis said it can be very affordable or very lavish, depending on what you are looking for (and subsequently your budget). Feel that option out with your FI and the family, maybe they will be all for it! It actually would save people money in the long run, since its one trip not two? Just my thought!

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I am a 2 year bride and I love it! I had so much time to enjoy the showers the pictures lose weight! You will be surprised how fast time flies and if you are doing alot of DIY how short time is. Try to take advantage and start your projects from your bouquets to your hair flowers to your centerpieces you have so much time you can make extras and sell them! If you are a sewer start on OTT bags and embellish everything! A good number just make 50 and sell sell sell. Trust me you get this time to really love your future hubby!

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Thanks ladies!

Riley and I have chatted about Disney and the possibility of getting married there and he is completely against it. Can't say that I blame him either...Im sure Disney is a wonderful place to get married, but we want something low key, informal and not busy. Disney is not what I envisioned and I dont want to get married there just so that I can still get married that year. I have heard wonderful things about disney and my future SIL was just there for a wedding and she said it was gorgeous!!! However, it was like pulling teeth to get him to agree to take the family there for a vacation, let alone getting married there. So I think I will stick with my original plans atleast the venue anyways. The date...well thats still to be determined I think. All I know is that its in 2012. I am definitely not moving the wedding again to accomodate anyone bc your all right...its is my wedding date and regardless of who can or cant come...Im getting married to him that year. Im okay with moving it this one time, but thats it.

I think the brides that have moved their wedding more then once are very strong women, bc even though I think Im strong, it was so difficult for me to do it once, let alone multiple times. I would have been so upset! Thank goodness Im not the only one dealing with family and how our plans interfere with theirs.....lol


Thanks for the encouragement and all the ideas....really appreciate it all.

I definitely will take the time I have and use it wisely. With my OOT bags done, well I guess I can work on some other DIY's but not too many as I dont want to get to far ahead of myself....lol


Thanks again!!! smile03.gif

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Great attitude Jenny :) Take the time to get ready, no rush! You are, like you said, a strong woman to be able to switch your wedding date. I have seen so many shows with brides who are complete nutjobs and crazy... you are definitely getting some good karma on this one by switching! Just stick with whatever date you choose that year. It is not even 2010 yet officially, so people have all of 2010 and 2011 to save and move things around to be there. Whoever isn't really wasn't going to be there no matter wen you had the date!


Have fun, and you better stick around here! wink.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

FML - Aww....yes that makes me feel better, but also bad for you bc your joining my 2012 group.....lol

We should make a 2012 brides thread....lol - but stay with the 2011 brides as well, bc I do feel as though Im still a part of this thread, regardless of our change of plans.


NSBride - thanks for your "pick-me-up" - your too cute! Def sticking around bc I want to hear how all of thw brides on this thread are doing and how things are progressing!!!


Wish I was planning with all of you too, but now I can live vicariously through all of you until my time comes.....THANKS LADIES!!!!

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Originally Posted by Jennybell1 View Post
FML - Aww....yes that makes me feel better, but also bad for you bc your joining my 2012 group.....lol
We should make a 2012 brides thread....lol - but stay with the 2011 brides as well, bc I do feel as though Im still a part of this thread, regardless of our change of plans.
Well at least neither of us is alone! lol And I'm sure it won't be too long before we'll find a few more 2012 brides. Besides, we'll have super fabulous weddings now with so much time to plan! :P
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