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Bestman backed out

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I am sorry that he backed out on you, I can imagine that must be frustrating. I would rather him back out than string you along and back out later. IMO, the numbers aren't as important in a DW than in an at home wedding. Even in an at home wedding, its about those important to you than a "number" or for just the sake of pictures. Good luck with the rest of the planning and for the fabulous wedding you will have regardless of the number of people standing for you.

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I had my MOH back out about two weeks before the wedding. She was so wishy washy the entire time that I wasn't all that surprised. Her loss unfortunately for her, especially because she LOVES the beach!


In my case I just had the guys waiting at the "altar" with my FI and then my girls walked down together (I was REALLY lax) because it was my sister and cousin and they are really close.


For someone who is all about symmetry and anal about this type of thing it turned OK for me in the end. One less person I had make things for! lol


Whatever you decide to do I think you'll end up being happy. It might take a couple of days for this to wear off but like someone else said, you know what kind of friend he is now. If he can't get over something that happened a long time ago, even after a kid and wife then he needs to grow up.


I wish you a beautiful, wonderful wedding!

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