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Bestman backed out

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Oh, I am sorry this happened to you! I know it is a big disappointment when someone important to you won't be able to make it. I guess that is one of the drawbacks of a DW. I had a bridesmaid who couldn't make it and I was bummed too.


I wouldn't worry about the uneven numbers. Since one of my BMs dropped out, and I am having a MAN of honour, we have 5 guys and only 2 girls!


I think one of your GM would be happy to be the stud and have a girl on each arm!

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Wow, i guess quite a few of us needed to vent!. I feel better now cos there are stories worse than mine; the groomsman backing out on the departure day...huh.gif


Anyway, I like some of the ideas. I have 3 little boys, and 3 little girls coming out first, then I will probably have the groomsman walk out with the 2 bridesmaids.


Thanks a lot guys, you really helped.

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I was my friend's MOH and her groom had two best men so they both walked me down the aisle...one on each arm. People actually got a kick out of it and said I was so special I had two men walking me:) I don't think it's a big deal at all. I'm also having an uneven number of BM & GM so I don't think it's uncommon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry to hear that! We are in a similar situation, our groomsmen dropped out too and did it over email. He said he would be in the wedding since we got engaged, and now said he doesn't have money to pay for it. However, he just booked a cruise after he knew about the wedding in jamaica. Anyway, I'm not sure what we are doing yet, if we can get another groomsmen, or just go with uneven numbers. Good luck! LIke the other ladies said...all eyes will be on you and FI, so just enjoy yourselves...and it's his loss.

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Thats stinks! My best friend has backed now and it is definantly about money (she is a millionaire). I am astounded and dont get why she has---she says her boss won't let her have 2 days off of work--total bs. whatever----don't stress---the people that come wanted to be there and you will still have a blast!

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