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Frozen pipes


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Grrr... I need to vent for a minute because I'm having a crappy weekend.


Just last night I got mad at FI about money. He had put a few things for the house on a credit card and forgot to pay it back right away, and this really ticked me off when I got the bill. We had this big talk (more like me ranting) about how he needs to stop doing this, that he needs to be more responsible with money (I'm always the one who saves, etc), blah, blah.... so I was still in a bit of a bad mood this morning.


Then I get up and there is no water in my house- turns out the pipes are frozen! It took the plumber all day to fix it and they charge 50% more on the weekends than they do on a weekday. I spent all day looking at the clock, knowing every hour was costing us a fortune. Grrrr.


To top it off, we had no hot water all day and we have to go to his Christmas party tonight and I couldn't get into the shower to get ready until half an hour ago. I should be getting ready about now, but I'm still so annoyed and I hate feeling rushed. A party is the last thing in the world I want right now, I don't feel like putting on my happy face at all.


Stupid Canadian north freezing my pipes, stupid FI, stupid party, stupid plumber costing me money. I swear, I wish I was a five year old again- days like today I hate being a grown up. Sorry for the long rant, I actually feel a bit better now!

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Melidell that SUCKS, I totally know how you feel. It is never fun to spend $$ on things like that, also it is so stressful. I sometimes envy ppl who live at home with their parents - they never have to worry about grown up stuff.


I HATE winter in Winnipeg, it has been -27 for the past few days, and its most likely going to stay this way for the next couple of months. Hope you're feeling better now, hang in there. *Hugs*

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Ahhh! I know this feeling well! Its been so darn cold that everything is frozen. I'm praying for no frozen water or sewer lines this year. It would be the first time they DIDN'T freeze in the 5 years I've lived here so ... fingers crossed...


It's supposed to really warm up this week so the next concern is broken water mains everywhere. Sigh... WHY did our ancestors STOP when they got here!?

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