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How early did you pu your engagement announcement in the newspaper?

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According to a lot of wedding timelines you are supposed to take care of that around 9-6 months before your wedding. plus, the newspaper might be able to only put them in once a week, or maybe only four couples at a time... and so they may wait awhile to put it in.

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Getting Engaged : Bridal Guide Magazine's New Etiquette for Today's Bride

"Newspaper announcements usually run two to three months prior to the wedding, but they can be published up to a year in advance. Consider placing your announcement in your and your fiancé's hometown papers, as well as the papers that serve the community in which you now live. Don't forget to include your engagement news in any alumni and professional publications that publish milestone announcements as well."


I'm not interested in publishing in our local newspaper. I don't know anyone who gets the newspaper here. I just want it in the towns we grew up in.

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
According to a lot of wedding timelines you are supposed to take care of that around 9-6 months before your wedding. plus, the newspaper might be able to only put them in once a week, or maybe only four couples at a time... and so they may wait awhile to put it in.
My paper runs about 10 every Sunday. I've decided to submit it right after we take our pictures & just see how early they run it.

I am a grad student at Duke & the university has a beautiful garden. A friend is going to take our pictures in the garden next month. I can't wait! For 3 years I've been trying to get good pictures of us in the garden, but we are always in really casual clothes when we go & my hair is never fixed.
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I grew up in Washington DC and my folks are putting our announcement in the paper there. Plus, it will be in the paper here in SC where my FI and I live now.


We got the pics taken when he was home on leave from Iraq in March and I am going to submit them, as well as to our University Alumni papers once he returns home from Iraq in September.


I hadn't thought much about doing it, but both my Mom and my FMIL have been hounding me to do it, so ... c'est la vie ... I will let that little bit of control. :-)

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we didn't annouce our engagement, but I think a friend of mine who works in the paper in our hometown will put a wedding annoucement in for us...I didn't realize people still annouced engagements...that is so cool, you girls should post them on here for us to see! hint hint...

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I purposely did not put an announcement in the paper for 2 reasons:


1. That's totally not my style

2. I didn't want to create the opportunity to receive any unwanted communication from ex-boyfriends!


I figure that the people I care about in my life already knew I was engaged, so why publicize it?? But that's just me.

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