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Anyone addicted to spinning?!


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Ok i must admit I am a cycling fiend!! I absolutely love it. I used to be addicted to step aerobics back in the day (and still love it!) but i've become obsessed with spin classes over the last year! lol I wonder if there is anyone out here who shares my passion for it! It's hysterical I dread getting up at 5am to do it but gosh do I feel great once im done. Now if I can only get that sort of passion for strength training :P~!!!!

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I go to a gym now that just has machines no classes but I used to be a member of the Y and they had a spin class. I was always tempted to go but thought for sure that little seat would cause a lot of pain....how do you girls do it?? I can just make it with the regular exercise bike seat, the spinning cycle seats are so small! Does it just take time to adjust?

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the first 2 classes my bum hurt for days, not like a workout pain, but like it was bruised or something. Since then it's been gradually getting better each class. I think your bum just gets used to it or something!


There are padded shorts you can get. I haven't gotten that crazy yet but my FI definitely wears them to teach. But he's also a boy...so to ensure we can have children one day I bought him the special shorts haha

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Honestly the padded shorts are ok but not needed cheesy.gif.. You really do get used to it after like the second week. Its all about your positions on the bike(you instructor will specify these for you). IF your position isn't correct your lower back will kill you, your arms will feel like they are going to fall off and your knees are going to pay the consequences. But I promise the bum pain goes away, its just temporary, and just remember in spinning it's almost minimal the amount of time you spend actually sitting down on the bike.


Sammysgirl- Definitely give it a whirl. Its amazing.

Damaris- I HATE YOU(jk)!! lmao!! Ive always wanted to go there. Maybe with the move to NY in May I can persuade the Mr. to send me there!


Today we worked the body to an 85% training zone and im full of energy. =) Hop on the bikes girls go!! Lets rack up the BDW miles!! wink.gif

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