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MaryS's Puerto Vallarta Wedding Review (SUPER LONG WITH LOTS OF PIC)


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This is a very long review..with lots of pictures


Travel Agent AAA Travel Lisa Siverly A+

Lisa was referred to me from a friend. She actually works in the same complex as I do. She was very friendly and quick to responsed to all my emails. We did not do a room block but put her info on our wedding website and left it an option for people to work with her. We did get a good deal for our package.


Alaska Air A+

We were very fortunate to get a direct flight to PV. On our flight we had four others traveling with us. Other were on later or earlier flights. We had 3 checked bags. Paul sister took one and paid for it for us. So really we had 4 bags. Its very pricey for checked bags, but there is really no way around it. I carried my dress and a hand carry. And Paul had 2 hand carries too. I am pretty short so carrying a dress thru the airport is a pain. Paul would carry it but he wasn't carrying it right so I would just take it back. As we boarded the plane we were greeted and asked if we were getting married I said yes and they said is that your dress. (I was crossing my fingers hoping they would notice and offer to store my dress) and I said yes. The flight attendant said we can store that for you in our closet. I was so happy! I followed him to the closet. This closet was so small. It was able to hang but we pretty much had to stuff the rest of the bottom in there. But at least it was hanging.

Our flight was not full at all. We didn't have anyone else in our row so that was nice. Half way through the flight I was alsmost asleep and the same flight attendent from earlier starts talking very load on the speaker and says “We have a couple getting married†I am half way listening and then he says “I donâ€t really like to embarasse people but I am going too. The couple in row 21 is getting married.†Then I realized that, that was us. He is walking from the front towards us and everyone is standing and looking, he is carrying a try with Champage and OJ. He congratulates us as well as everyone else. What a surprise.

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We thought it was Paulâ€s sister that gave the drinks or my friend. But it was Alaska Air that did.

That was the start of our great wedding week.


Accommdations: Buenaventura Grand Hotel and Spa Nov 24-Dec 2 B+

We had 22 people stay with us at this hotel. Most people did EP and 2 families did AI. 6 others stayed at Villa del Palmar. This hotel was in the middle of everything. Is was an easy walk to the the Melacon. Lots of resturants near by. The staff was great. Our room was always nice. Food was good. Waiter knew our names and our drinks. The bellboys were very nice. We didnâ€t eat there much if we did it was usually at the buffet and it was always good. Everyone enjoyed their stay there. Paul and I also had a couples massage a few days after the wedding and it was the best massage I have ever had.

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Restaurants: We went to a lot of places and every place was great

-El Andariego (across the street from hotel) They had a great breakfast menu. And the prices were cheap. You would get a freash donut, coffee, fresh OJ, fresh fruit then your meal. Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.

We went here about 4 times. Staff was very friendly.

-El Barracuda (right next to hotel can walk there from the beach) This is more of a seafood place. Food was great and same with the prices.

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Click the image to open in full size.

-Aye Caramba (Best view in PV) Went here with my best friend and little cousins. We went really late at about 9pm. We were gonna go somewhere else but when we got in the taxi the driver recommended this place. It was a scary ride it was pretty high up the hill. Food was excellent. Family owned and a little boy made the guacamole tableside.

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Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

-Archie Wok (romantic zone night before the wedding) My family is filipino and by this point they were needing some type of asian food. They were in luck. I did some reseach before we left on asian resturants just in case my dad was dying. And this place actually serves filipino dishes. They had great food. We had 12 people in our party. 6 were my family and 6 were Paulâ€s. They counldnâ€t fit us in one table right away so we were ok with 2 table. It was kinda our last dinners with our own families before we got married. Pancit and BBQ ribs were to die for!

-Senor Frogs (Melcon) If you have never been you gotta go just for the fun of it. Its kind of like a Red Robins but louder.

Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.

-La Dolce Vida (Melcon) this was an italian resturant. Food was good. We sat upstairs had a nice view.

-PiPis (just 3 blocks off the Melcon) Paul and I actually went here alone for lunch. Good flautas.



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We mainly took the taxi places. It was usually around 40-50 pesos. Make sure you ask first before you get in. Or else you will be paying double. We took the bus a few times. It was just easier to just hop in the taxis that were right in front of the hotel.

Towards the end of our trip the taxi drivers knew our names. And were calling me Senora instead of Senorita because they knew I got married.


We booked our group trips with Travel Connections. They were with AAA. We did Vallarta Adventures to Marietas. It was a boat tour and snorkel. Not everyone in our group swam. And I was one of them. I was pretty bored on the boat. I would recommend a trip where you can get off an island so others can do things too. But it still was a fun trip. We saw whales and different fishes. It was a 7 hour tour with lunch.

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We also did a city tour the day after the wedding. It was nice it was a private tour so we had the bus all to ourselves. It also included a tequila tour and a stop at a restaurant just off the road. (countryside) Authenthic Mexican food.

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Mayan Palace Visit Wed Nov 25th: On Wednesday we went to look at the Mayan with my parents and Paul sister and husband. Mind you I am doing this wedding site unseen. Only relying on my my WC and friend that got married here last year. This place blew my mind as well as my parents and Pauls side. We decided on the set up and other last minute things. But I then could finally picture my wedding.

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Rehearsal Day Thursday Nov 26th 11:30am. We decided to have the rehearsal early and have a lunch instead of a dinner. We didnâ€t want to keep people too long. It was a really hot hot day. Everyone was sweating poor kids. So we kept it short.

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Click the image to open in full size.

We had our Welcome/Rehearsal Lunch 1:30 : River Cafe A+

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I worked with Michael Boufford, Manager. Michael was very accomdating with my budget and was willing to work with me. We got a pretty good deal. The food was excellect. The resturant sat along side the river. The wait staff took care of our party. Our glasses were always filled. We were well taken care of. They even created a special menu for us with our names on it. There were 3 entree to pick from. Burrito, Enchilada or a Veggie Sandwich. These pictures are what my little cousin ate.

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We passed out our OOT bags and Wedding Party gifts before dessert. I don't think our guest were expecting anything since no one has ever been to a DW before. They were all surprised and thankful.


Wedding Planner Company: Vallarta Wedd Planners Puerto Vallarta Wedding Planners - Beach Wedding Planners in Puerto Vallarta Coordinator: Johanna Ortero A++++++++++++ and their Vendors

I don't think anyone on this forum has used Vallarta Wedd Planners. I think I am the first. I am so glad that I went with them!!!

I was not doing to use a WC but it got way too hard trying to get in contact with hotels and their coordinators. The hotel coordinators were always changing people. So I decided to start looking for a WC. I emailed many companies and Vallarta Wedd Planners were the first ones to contact me. I started working with them in May 2008. There are 3 women that run this company. Estrella, Paula and Johanna. Estrella was first to make contact. Then I started working with Johanna because she knew about a certain hotel that I wanted our wedding to be at. I was looking into having our wedding at Villa del Palmar, Buenaventura and Mayan Palace. I was going back and forth between Mayan and Buenaventura. VWP does many weddings at Mayan Palace. So I would keep going back to the Mayan. Plus my friend had her wedding there. I was torn and needed to make a choice. Johanna kept telling me that I would not be disappointed about the Mayan. And after doing the budget for Buenaventura and Mayan, Mayan came out way cheaper. I am so glad that Johanna would not give up suggesting the Mayan. I felt comfortable with VWP right away. I never even talk to them on the phone until I made my first payment to them which was sometime in 2009. I know that sounds kind of crazy not talking to someone and wiring money but I felt the trust right away even if it was through email.

My emails were always answered right away or with in a few days. If Johanna was going out of town she would let me know. Or if I emailed her and she was not available the other WC would let me know she would get back to me soon. It was kind of hard for me to give control to someone else because in my own personal and professional life I am always the one making the choices. It was nice to have someone just tell you, show you pictures and deciding things that way. It was a vary stress free year and a half of planning. All I had to do was make DIY stuff, OOT Bags and find a dress which was fun and relaxing.

Johanna called me on Tuesday when we arrived at PV to confirm our Wed. meeting. She offered to pick us up at our hotel for our Wednesday meeting.

On Wednesday she picked us up at Buenaventura and we gave her a suitcase full of our supplies. It was so good to finally meet her. It was like we have known her for awhile. We felt comfortable right away. She took us to our visit to the Mayan. Our family followed in a taxi. We finalized a few things with her that day. My parents and Paul's sister thought it would be a good idea to provide transportation to the Mayan since everyone was staying in Downtown and Mayan was at the Marina. So Johanna said she would make a call to get a price. And we also decided last minute to have fireworks as a surprise to our guest. All she had to do for both was make 2 calls and everything was set and with a good price. She was even able to get the Mayan to get me a room to change into my dress before the wedding and at no charge. On Thursday the day of rehearsal Johanna offered to pick us up again to take us to the Mayan and to the River Cafe for our lunch. That was very thoughtful of her to take care of us in that way. After rehearsal at Mayan we stopped at Starbucks to pick up one of her partners Paula. She was so friendly right off the bat. Like we have known her too. When we got to River Cafe Estrella was there to meet us too. All 3 WC were there so we did not have to wait at the door for our guest they took care of greeting them. Paula helped us set up our OOT Bag/ Gift table. Estrella showed me around the river area. They waited till all our guest arrived and ordered their drinks and food and once we were served they made sure that everything was going well before they left. Johanna said they were going to go through the bags I gave her to make sure she knew what everything was. Around 5pm I got a call from Johanna she had a few questions on some items and complemented all the DIY things I made. (I still can't believe I made my own things.) On the day of the wedding I got a call from Johanna at about 10am she called to check on me. She asked how I was feeling. I told her I was feeling good and excited. She asked if I was nervous I told her not at all. She asked what I was doing I told her I was watching TV. She sounded surprised that I wasn't getting ready yet. Later she joked about when she called to check on me to the other WC that I was just watching TV. She said most brides are going crazy and getting ready. When I was at the Mayan getting ready Estrella and the Photographer came to take pictures in the room and gave our flowers. She left us for about an hour and said she would call us to come down when it was time. Estrella meet us downstairs and walked us to the wedding area. Estrella waited with my Dad and I for about 10 mins. While we were waiting I swore I felt a rain drop and it kind of smelled like rain in the air (I am from Seattle and I know when it smells like its gonna rain) Estrella said no it was probably something else you felt. I felt it again and I said something again. My dad was laughing. Estrella says "Mary never never does it rain in Puerto Vallarta in November!" I just smiled at her. Johanna came and greeted us She told me she had some surprises for us. She said that the Mayan added complementary guacamole to our chips and salsa order. And she said that as a gift to us from VWP she added to our centerpieces and she said she hoped that we didn't mind. We brought our own decorations. Here is what I brought for our centerpieces Click the image to open in full size. and later you will see what VWP added. When I saw the tables I thought I was going to cry it looked so beautiful. Everything looked amazing. Exceeded my expectations. Through out the night they all check on us and our guest. The WCs stayed till the end of the wedding. They were always there and aways in sight. Very attentive to all our needs. I can't even descride how thankful I am to have worked with them. Johanna came to the hotel to drop off our bag of supplies on Monday. And on Tuesday night Johanna and Paula came to give us a few other things and to say good bye. While at the airport I even got a text from Johanna to say she missed us already. I work in the service industry and this company went above and beyond their duties in their contract. I would highly recommend them to anyone planning a wedding in PV.


VWP have great vendors that they work with. I loved our DJ he had every single song on our list and even our 8 year old ring bearer would request a song and he would play it. Our flowers were beautiful! I just emailed what I wanted and gave a few pictures. They came out perfect. We also did a corkage fee and the price we paid for our liquor was dirt cheap. The pastor they work with Bryan Henderson...he was AMAZING. Such a very friendly and welcoming man. I come from a cathloic/christian family and his wedding service was very personalized. Our family loved everything he said. There were some random ladies watching the wedding and they talked with my Mom about him and she sent them to Johanna. Fireworks..who has fireworks at their wedding..thats all I can say about that. Charter Bus..I didn't see it but the BMs said it was never nice. The price we paid for everything probably would of been millions here in Seattle.


Vallarta Wedd Planners gets a Facebook Thumbs up!!!


Photographer: Puerto Vallarta Melnik Carlos Melnik

Carlos was referred to me by my friend. Her pictures looked good so thats why I chose him. Carlos has great prices. I only paid for 250 pictures and 4 hours. But in the end I ended up with 755 picture for just a little little little bit more money. One thing I know its hard for guest to not to want to take pictures of your wedding my mom had to tell some people to let the photographer take pictures. Here is one of my favorite pictures that Carlos took haha

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Wedding Day at the Mayan Palace 11.28.09 5:30pm


Paul and I had breakfast at the hotel buffet then we went our seperate ways. I went to our room took a shower then just watched TV for about an hour. My BMs started to come to my room at about 11:30 and I treated them to lunch at El Andariego.Click the image to open in full size. It was 2 for one drinks but since we ate there all the time. We go BOGO. And the waiter we always got tried to give me a shot of tequila but at this point I had to pass it one of the other BMs because I was getting to buzzed from the 2 drinks I had.


We all went back to my room to get ready. My cousin and I are hair dressers so she offered to do my hair. She is also my MOH. The prices to get your hair and makeup done were kind of pricey specially for us since we both know how to do hair. Click the image to open in full size.she also did my makeup.


(just to throw this in..I decided when I woke up that morning that I don't care what happens today I am going to be stress free and enjoy every single minute of this day)


I had 2 of my BM in charge of making sure that Paul and his family were in a taxi by 4pm to go to the Mayan for pictures. And they were also responsible to make sure that everyone was on the Charter bus at 4:30. Here are some my little cousins waiting for the bus

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Here is the bus Click the image to open in full size.


My parents, brother and MOH all went to the Mayan early we were suppose to be there at 3:30. I asked my cousin what time it was when we got in the taxi and she said its 3:30. I never ever run late for anything. My MOH is always late. She goes are you ok, you know we are late. I said yeah I am ok. She goes what is wrong with you we are late. I said its ok..today its ok if I am late. I think she thought I was losing my mind.

We get to the Mayan get our key for the room and started to put my dress on.

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Show time... Here is my dad walking me. I walked down to River Flow sIn You (from Twilight not really a fan but liked the song) It was a long walk and he does why did we go this way. The whole time we were walking we kept laughing cause my shoe kept getting stuck in the mats. So I started to walk fast cause if I walked faster my heel would not get stuck. The pictures say it allClick the image to open in full size.

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Click the image to open in full size.

When I got to the jetty I noticed everyone was crying so I started to cry. I ended up crying most of the ceremony. It was so hard not to. Bryan was really good. Paul and I wrote our vows as well as our ring vows. There was a video that I posted on here.

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Cocktail Hour we had chips, salsa and guacamole. We had Mango Mojitos, and Lemon Margaritas as our signature drinks.



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The food was amazing and so was the service. Our family loved the food. I didn't eat much nor did Paul. But what I ate I loved. The Tres Leche cake was good. Here are some pictures sorry they are not that clear. We served Seafood Studel, Beef filet with Seafood and Tres Leche Cake.

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Click the image to open in full size.

The head waiter was very attentive to Paul and I. May aunt told me that this was the best service she has ever gotten. She said their server was always checking on them and alway kept their glasses full.


The Mayan Palace Marina is a beautiful location. I mean it was more than I imagined. Pictures do not do it justice. It is a total Platinum Wedding experiance. For budget brides I highly recommend this hotel. You will be amazed at their prices. It is a big bang for your buck.. I know I sound like I am exaggerating.. But I am in total shock still on the price of this place.


Where are some of the wedding details


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