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Is/has your fiance seen your dress?

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DH has seen my dress, on the rack IN the store the day I bought it! I know I know, but we're footing the bill entirely for this- rather I should say he is, since I'm finishing med school. But he has a TERRIBLE memory for things like this, and if you asked him today what the dress he saw 8 months ago looked like, he wouldn't have a clue. By the wedding? He's not going to remember.


I will make sure when we leave for the trip that he doesn't see it and won't see it until right before the ceremony. I do want to see his face when he sees me in it all gussied up, etc. But I don't care about seeing it on a hanger in a store.

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I don't know if it is harder for me or for him to not show FI my dress! I share everything with him, especially if I am excited, so having a dress I can't show him makes me want to even more! HAHA. 2 months of not showing him down, only 16 more to go. Shouldn't have bought it so early! We both still live with our parents (he is about to graduate college though, so in the next few months we'll get a place) and it is in my mom's closet because 1. mine has no room to hang anything longer than a tshirt and 2. they know I'd cave and show him!


FI says he wants to see it but he also wants it to be a big deal that day. He was in our house without any of us home recently and he called and told on himself to me so he wouldn't look... says "I could go look at your dress if I wanted to and you'd never know." I don't care if he sees it on the hanger though, I'm with y'all... it's not nearly the same as on me! I did give him a detailed description of it tho. He's a guy, he doesn't get it!

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  • 2 months later...

i've shown him pictures of the dress. he's not going to see the real impact until that day wink.gif


i view the wedding dress much like our engagement ring. he asked me to participate to make sure i loved the ring; i'd like him to participate to some extent in the dress to make sure that when i'm walking toward him on the big day he's as blown away by me in this dress as i was when i finally got the see the ring on my finger!

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