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Shower for second Marriage

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I am wondering if it is okay to have showers for my second marriage?


I have had two different sets of friends that want to give me a shower and want to make sure this is ok.


How many of you have had or been to a shower for a brides second marriage?

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I have been to showers for second time brides and I am fine with going. Myself second time around I have advised everyone that I do not want to have a shower. My girlfriend has pushed the issue a couple of times and I have flat out told her no. I am just not comfortable with the gift thing and it isn't the second time around thing it's the gifts. I don't want people spending money on me.

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Well I am in a similar position, except my cousin told me that she refuses to give me a shower because I have already had one!! That kind of struck a cord with me, but what can i do?!? I was married 4.5 years ago, did not last long, and gave more than half of my "new" stuff to him. I believe that any marriage you are having is a "new life"...so in my opinion I think you should have a shower!!


Very interested to hear in others' comments on this topic...

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Mine was a 2nd marriage as well, and I didn't want a shower. I felt like the people who would be invited already went to my first shower, and I didn't want to feel weird about having them feel obligated to give more presents.


But, we also didn't have attendants, so that also made it easier to not have a shower.

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Hmmm I'm not big on the whole 2nd shower thing. Celebrate, yes for sure its your wedding! I think its the gift thing that rubs people the wrong way. I think its just tough to keep up these days with babies and weddings so when people start going the second time around it becomes over the top. However, I think this all depends on each individual scenario and how close you are with some of these people and who you intend to invite. For example, I wouldn't necessarily have an issue with doing this for someone I'm really close to because to be honest I would naturally get them something anyways! But when it gets into those acquaintance category people I think a line should be drawn.

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I absolutely think that 2nd time brides should have a shower!! We have a shower for each baby don't we? That was THEN and this is now. Let your friends and family celebrate this new chapter in your life with you. I have no problem coughing up the dough to pay for a gift for a second time bride. It expresses my happiness for her. If your attendants want to give you a shower....let them!!! Enjoy!!

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