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Dad is in hospital, we leave in 2 days


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Nonnie, continue to enjoy your wedding and keeping your dad in your heart. He would want you to enjoy every moment as it goes by so fast as it is. I am sure he knows you are keeping in your thoughts. But try to savor this time, it only happens once!

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  • 2 weeks later...

thought I'd give an update now that I am back home


My wedding was still wonderful, best day of my life I am sure. I did get a little weepy during the ceremony when my father in law read the sand ceremony I wrote for my dad. He mentioned it was meant for my dad to read and that set me off. Ironically we Got some nice pics from my little moment though since Mark did a wonderful job consoling me. I still feel a little upset when I look at the picture of Mark and I with our folks, since my dad is so clearly missing.


My dad is much better now, when my mom got home he was given a weekend pass, then he ended up only needing to be in the hospital during the day, and just yesterday he was discharged. he is getting ECT therapy, which has resulted in some temporary memory lose which has become a bit of a source of humour for him and others. It's good that he can laugh at the situation.


My mom is trying to plan a time when we can go out for dinner in our wedding clothes, maybe including some dancing and then pictures at a nearby greenhouse. It won't be nearly the same as having him at my wedding, but it will be something

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Your a trooper honey and I know your dad is heartbroken he couldn't be there, but proud as hell he raised a strong daugther that can handle the battles and challenges life has to offer. You are going to make that man an amazing wife and mother of his children... Life isn't always going to be a bed or roses.. and marriage, children and life in general will always throw us curves and challenges. You just proved that you can hand le those moments in life... My hats off to you... Congrats and Welcome home.

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