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Oops, did I find THE dress??

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Hi Ladies! I kind of have a problem. I went dress shopping today for the first time. I tried on maybe 6 or 8 dresses and I ended up buying the gorgeous dress below. BUT now, 5 hours after, I am wondering if it is really THE dress. See, I tend to get talked into things really easy and I get frazzled quickly and I am scared I just tried the dress on and since it is a beautiful dress and everyone else loved it on me I got it. I can't return the dress and I don't know what to do. I also loved another dress that I almost bought instead but all they had was ivory and I wanted a white dress and the women at the store said the white dress looks completely different (the ivory has gold beading and stands out wonderfully but the white dress has white beading that doesn't really stand out) and they didn't have it there to see or try on so I went with the other dress. Should I keep my dress or find another one or maybe go try it on again? I would feel horrible if I wanted another dress after my mother bought me this dress. What do you guys think?




PS. PLEASE ignore my braces and bad hair!


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It looks great on you! and believe me I know exactly how you are feeling! I ran into the SAME EXACT issue. I ended up going back a month later tried on 12-15 dresses and ended up right back in my original dress. I think its a few things.. you cant believe you found the dress in one visit and you dont want the experience to be over! I know exactly how you feel and I think your dress looks stunning on you! beautiful choice!

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I think it is gorgeous and looks great on your figure! The beading is beautiful and I love the shape.

IMO most brides have buyers remorse for one reason or another. You could go back and try on other dresses, but you might find yourself even more confused......there are millions of dresses out there and it can become addictive.

I say that you focus on this dress and start looking for accessories.....shoes, jewelry, etc......that way it won't feel like the experience is over.

Good luck!

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