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Seating Chart Hell

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Janet - I'm supporting you. We bagged the seating chart! We went to a wedding this weekend and the seating chart worked out atrociously! Everyone was disappointed and it was, unfortunately, the talk of the wedding (what an incorrect thing to focus on).


We have 65 people, 9 of whom are under the age of 16. We do not have any real family drama, everyone is civil and totally capable of finding their way to a table or moving chairs around to suit. It's Mexico - it's informal.


Further, we didn't have a seating chart at the engagement party and I didn't see any problem there and there were way more people.


Go with what is going to work best for your family.

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Originally Posted by JANET1111 View Post
But based on your very strong recommendations, I promise to re-think this... I don't know why I am so hesitant? I think I just want to minimize the "extra stuff to do".
I so totally hear you Janet! That was my thinking as well, but then I realized that we were bringing together two very culturally different groups of people that don't know eachother & it just makes more sense. Of course, I haven't actually DONE it yet!

Trust your instincts. If you dont think it will be a problem, then don't do it!
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Originally Posted by JANET1111 View Post
woo hoo I am not the only one :)

j/k...but what you are saying makes sense. I am just going to mull it over and decide in a week or two. I still have time.
Janet, I agree.... I am strongly firm on not having a seating plan. We went to Ryan's sisters wedding a couple years ago (along with about a dozen other weddings the same summer..UGH), there was no seating plan & buffet style dinner and it was hands down the best 2 ideas I have taken away from any wedding. People sat where they wanted and ate whenever and whatever they wanted. It was great and it worked out fabulously.
I do understand why people have seating plans though. I think it really depends on each individuals guest list. We wont need one because everyone that is going (we estimate between 30-50) already knows everyone else pretty well. I'm not concerned with anyone feeling uncomfortable.
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I was a at wedding over the summer where it was also a buffet and no seating chart. There weren't even actual proper dinner tables. It was in her father's beautiful yard and there high tables scattered throughout the yard as well as some low one with seats. Shortly after the ceremony was over the buffet was ready and people just shuffled around the yard.

This might sound like chaos, but that is my fault for not being ableto explain it properly. It was one of the most enjoyable and comfortable weddings ever.

I walked out of there with so many visions of what my wedding would look like. Unfortunately my fiance does not want a buffet, so the set up is out the window.

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I was at a family dinner last night (20 of our 65 guests were there) and I floated it past them. They looked at me like I was crazy for even considering a seating chart. One had a look of panic. Again, though, we're having a buffet.


Also, I've decided not to have a wedding party table. Two sets of ur attendants have young children (one couple has a 4 year old, the other has a 5 and 2 year old). They will want to be fluid. Plus, I think that it gives us an opportunity to float to a few different tables and chat with our guests between helpings.

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Originally Posted by NATASHA View Post
I was at a family dinner last night (20 of our 65 guests were there) and I floated it past them. They looked at me like I was crazy for even considering a seating chart. One had a look of panic. Again, though, we're having a buffet.

Also, I've decided not to have a wedding party table. Two sets of ur attendants have young children (one couple has a 4 year old, the other has a 5 and 2 year old). They will want to be fluid. Plus, I think that it gives us an opportunity to float to a few different tables and chat with our guests between helpings.
Natasha -- 11/11 seating-chart-free brides unite!!!! :)
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No seating chart! I love the idea. My mom has been on my case about this for months and I really want a Fun wedding. I'm from New York and if I wanted a fancy high end seated reception I would have chozen to do it at the Plaza NOT Mexico. I will definitely NOT be doing a seating chart. One less thing to worry about and I think it will make everyone more comfortable to be able to sit with whom ever you want. I'm also doing a HUGE seafood/mexican food buffet and I really like it that my guests will be able to eat and DRINK as much or as lttle as they want.


The name of the game here is FUN, FUN, FUN!

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