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September 2010 Brides!


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Originally Posted by carolina24 View Post
sooo FI's aunt and uncle from England are definately not coming AND his BM's wife just found out she's pregnant, so he doesn't know if he'll be able to make it!!! I feel so bad for FI, we were talking about it and he got all sad and said that no one will be there for him sad.gif
i told him that i know it's not the same, but my family really loves him and will be there for him just as much as for me...it sucks, i don't like to see him upset!
silver lining: he's getting promoted at work!! I'm soooo proud of him, he's amazing and no one deserves it more pinkie.gif

ok had to vent a little, thanks for listening!

Carolina...I'm sorry. That really stinks, but the promotion is great! Congrats!

So, we are in pretty much the same boat. My FIs sister & brother in law are not coming, his best man/best friend isn't coming because they just had a baby + his wife will not allow a weekend trip without her (four months from now...i mean seriously) and his other life long friend isn't coming because they are pregnant.

We went through all of this about a month and 1/2 ago. He was really upset and then a week or so later I actually broke down and cried because I felt so bad for him. He said to me that the most important person to him on our wedding day is me, that everyone else is a bonus and that we are going to have a wonderful wedding regardless. He is so sweet and so right...the same goes for you guys. Your wedding is going to be wonderful and so filled with love.

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you are so right! I got upset yesterday because yet another rsvp came in with a "will not attend". it was one of my mom's friends who i barely know, so it wasn't that specific person not coming that upset me, it was the fact that it feels like no one is coming. FI was super sweet and said all we needed was him, me, and a minister and we know the three of us will definately be there, lol!! I feel better now.


btw...FI FINALLY made a decision and bought his shirt and the guys' shirts!!! They are by this brand called Cubavera, that I saw at Macy's for $60 each. Well we found them at Marshall's for $20!! Now we just need the shoes, pants, and FI's jacket

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are you ladies having a bridal shower?? Originally, I did not want to have one because I felt bad asking people to put out more money then they were already spending. But when my MOH heard this she flipped out!! lol so now i am having one this July but im not really sure of what the etiquette on this? SHould I invite people who I know def wont be coming to the wedding?

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my mom is throwing one in july, MOH in august. the people attending my mom's were invited to the wedding (but aren't coming) and the people invited to MOH's are not invited to the wedding, but will be invited to the AHR. I honestly don't know what the rules are about this when it comes to DWs. I didn't want a shower(s) either but mom and MOH insisted so they are planning everything and taking care of the etiquette, lol!

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I feel strange about it as well, but my friends told me to shut it. I guess I did go to their showers and I also traveled for their weddings, but I don't like all of the attention. :) So, they are throwing me one in August. They asked me for a list of guests and it is pretty much everyone is from the invite list. The exception is three co-workers, I didn't invite them to the wedding because they told me they couldn't travel...but I know it would have upset them to be left out of the shower.


The other strange thing is that some people have asked me about where I'm registered for the shower. Huh? We only did Honeyfund because I was told by friends and family that I "HAD" to register somewhere. Is a shower registery normal?



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definately normal....some showers are "specific" and you register for the type of shower you're having. for example my mom is throwing me a "white shower" like the white sales. I'll be registering for sheets, towels, etc. you could have a kitchen shower (pots and pans), accessories (decorations, frames, wall art), etc. my MOH is throwing me a sexy pj shower, but I'm not registering for that one, lol...i just made it clear that i don't want any crazy scanky stuff!

if they are throwing it, have fun!!


btw...I got our flip flops today at Old Navy for $1 each!! had to get up super early but it was worth it...one more thing off the list!!

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I'm having some small showers. My MOH is going to throw me a "Linens and Lingerie" shower, and another friend said she'd like to throw a shower for people in our hometown who won't be able to fly up to NY for the wedding. I don't feel as bad for having showers, I guess, since we're not going to a resort or anything. Yeah, some people will be flying or driving to NY, but a lot of our guests live within 4 hours, so it isn't too bad/expensive of a trip.


We got our first wedding gifts yesterday from my aunt! Two place settings of the dishes we wanted, plus some other random kitchen items. cheesy.gif


I'm currently typing out the mailing labels for our invitations, since I plan to send them out in a couple of weeks. I can't get it to import the addresses from my master list, so I have to type out each one. I think we have 82 to send out! I'm going to be here for awhile...

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