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Catholic Brides - Program & Mass Selection


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I contacted Padre Juve for the first time at the end of January. We had the paperwork done and the mass scheduled by early March. So, the process took just over a month. This was fairly accelerated because we made it our top priority to take care of all church requirement in the US as soon as possible. I'm not sure about your church, but we had to attend a couple's weekend, counseling with our Deacon, tons of paperwork, a natural family planning course, etc. Our frantic pace was exhausting. This was necessary in order for our church here in Texas to write all the required letters to Padre Juve and the Bishop in La Paz. For ease of mind, I had our church mail AND e-mail all letters that were sent to Mexico. Padre Juve was comfortable with this and scheduled our mass as soon as he received the e-mail versions from our church here in Texas. All letters from our church were sent in English. Spanish translation was NOT necessary. I hope this helps!

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Yes that helps alot, thank you...now I have tons of work to do it's a little stressful, I had already contacted Padre Juve and he didnt really have much to say just sent me the address of where the paper work needs to go...hopefully I will get this all done I only have 5 months....ahhhhhhhh

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When did you do the legal cermony? Do you have any pictures of the church?


We really want to have it in the Catholic church so any info you can send would be greatly appreciated-I sent an email to Fr already so I'm awaiting his response-


Thanks again-

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Originally Posted by marytete1 View Post

When did you do the legal cermony? Do you have any pictures of the church?

We really want to have it in the Catholic church so any info you can send would be greatly appreciated-I sent an email to Fr already so I'm awaiting his response-

Thanks again-

We're planning on doing our legal ceremony in Toronto about a week before we actually go to Cabo. I just don't want to deal with the bloodwork there and the extra hassle. I have some pics of the church on my home computer, so I'll post them when I get back tonight :) We're getting married there next year too, so if you have any other questions let me know.
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We are getting married there in October. We got all the paper work done here and our priest sent it off...Padre Juvencio will send you an email with all the details of what you need to do. It was very easy for us. Now all that's left to do is get a blood test when we arrive. Our WC is arranging all that for us and the Dr doing the test will be coming to our room.

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