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FMIL walking FI down the aisle??

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree...I don't think there's anything weird about it at all as long as it's before the bridal party. My aunt walked down the aisle with her son (my cousin) at his wedding. At my other cousin's wedding he was just standing up there waiting and his parents walked down the aisle, followed by the bridal party and then finally the bride.


Actually, now that I think about it, the groom's parents have walked down the aisle in every single wedding I've ever been to - but it's always before the bridal party. My mom walked down the aisle in my brother's wedding but not with him. She just had ushers escort her down the aisle, followed by my grandmother, the bridal party and then the bride.


It's all up to you honestly, because it's your & your FI's day but there's certainly nothing weird about it. I plan to have my FMIL walk down the aisle, followed by my mom and then the bridal party.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My FI plans on walking down the aisle with both of his parents. I don't think it's weird at all. Since its pretty common for the parents and the grandparents to walk down before the bridesmaids, I don't see the harm in your FI and MIL walking together. If she's single this might be why she wants him to walk her, so she doesn't have to walk alone. Last year at my FI's brother's wedding, my FI was the best man and had to walk down the aisle TWICE b/c his grandmother (who is recently a widow) wanted someone to escort her down the aisle. It was so cute, he led her to her seat and then did another lap to walk down the MOH.

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I have been to several weddings where the groom walked down the aisle with his parents or his mom....but they did that as the very start of the whole ceremony....it was like a signal to everyone things were beginning. Then the rest of the wedding party came in. IMO that is okay, but it would seem weird to me to have the mom go up right before me in the processional. It is your day though and if you and FI don't want to do this, then you guys just have to be as nice about it as you can and tell her no. Good luck!

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