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Newbie, planning a puerto rico wedding :)


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Hello all! Great place you have here. :)


My name is Heather, and I am soon to be engaged to my wonderful boyfriend. We've picked the e-ring, a Mark Schneider "cherish". I can't wait! I had the pleasure of meeting Mark two weeks ago, he is as kind as he is talented!


I have been a bridesmaid quite a few times, so I am shying away the standard local wedding scenes, and am thinking a very small, intimate wedding. I am considering Puerto Rico for its convenience to our honeymoon plans (a cruise), and due to its beauty!


We are looking at 20-25 people. I would love to keep the budget for the ceremony and reception to around 5k, but we have time to save and to make adjustments if need be!


Just last night I discovered Hotel El Convento though reading the posts here. LOVE it! I would love hear from anyone who has had a PR wedding! Never having been there, I don't know what to expect.



I look forward to getting to know all of you!

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Welcome! At one point we had also looked at Puerto Rico - particularly El Convento. It looked absolutely gorgeous, but unfortunately, we could not afford it with our guest list. However, I'm not sure if you have requested any information from them or not, but they do have information on packages and menus available. I contacted them via their website and they responded within a couple of days tops.


Good luck!

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