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MOH who says shes coming but still no response..

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Ya, people are funny sometimes. I went through a lot of this with my wedding. My suggestion would be to confront her... nicely of course. Just say "hey, I just wanted to touch base with you.... its past the deadline.... has your situation changed.... blah blah blah". This way you've given her the benefit of the doubt and allowed her the opportunity to come clean with whatever is going on. If she isn't going to co-operate after that, then I would just continue to move forward with plans, and most importantly - DON'T LET HER RUIN THIS TIME FOR YOU! (I know, eaiser said than done.... but its true)

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I would try to call her and see what she says. Texting isn't always the best way to communicate. Also, to play devil's advocate, I am the MOH in my friend's wedding in April. When she gave the deadline for her guests to pay, we didn't book either, because we were looking to get a better deal and the one that she had wan't that great. From Canada there are a number of different carriers that offer vacation packages, including AirCanada Vacations, Westjet Vacations, Sunwing, Sunquest etc... so maybe she's trying to find a better rate? Anyways, we just booked out packages to my friend's wedding last week, and we got it for $800 cheaper per person than the price she got us.

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I wouldn't make any excuses for her because her actions are just trifling and unacceptable. Whatever the reason is; it doesn't stop her from picking up the phone and opening her mouth. When she does finally get in contact with you. I say keep a smile on your face and basically keep it moving. No one has time for that drama!



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exactly. Well not the F her part, but just move on.


That's why I always recommend waiting for people to book before asking them to be in the wedding party. It puts an odd pressure on people to say yes, even if the had no intention of going. I just stopped talking about it to my friends who were so gung-ho to go then said they couldn't.


Don't let it get in the way of having an amazing wedding.


I'd just send a final email/txt saying something like "hey, it's obvious you aren't coming to the wedding, for whatever reason. I don't want it to ruin our friendship, so let's just move on from here".


If she doesn't have the balls to contact you after that, then IMO you've done your best, and I would just let the friendship cool. Make her make the next move.

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Debs- I really like your suggestion- offer her an opportunity to continue the friendship but plan around her. Maybe one day you'll understand why did this. Although admittedly it is truly bizarre.


I'm really sorry you had to deal with this- but make sure you have a fabulous time regardless!

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Oh man what a bummer! I totally know how you feel. My MOH is coming but sooo many people said they were coming and they are not. And I just dont believe it until I see it anymore. And I have a friend similar to your MOH and I legit can not rely on her for anything! She did not show up to our ALmost married reception back in August and it was a total bummer. I am so sorry you are going through this. Can you ask someone else?

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