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Las Caletas Couples ~ POST HERE!!! (**All LC Brides...PLEASE READ 1st post, red text)

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So My wedding is 3 weeks from now and Dennise the new wedding coordinator has not contacted me? I emailed her basically everything that I went over with Kelly (things Kelly approved for wedding) down to the T. And now about 6 days later and she has still not gotten in contact with me? I am starting to just get plain upset. Ah just want to vent a little, I've waited  so long for it to be my time to plan my wedding details with the coordinator and I get nothing...did i mention I wrote down every detail , and attached every inspiration pic all in one big email to make it easy for her ....boo she better contact me by Monday, otherwise this is just plain ridiculous.


Ok done venting now....


I know , I know, I'm sure everything will turn out ok...I hope

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Adventure Lovers- I'm sure she will get back to you, Kelley emailed me Friday and cc Dennise introducing her and getting me started, I did email back right away and haven't heard anything. I was there in October and met with both of them, and what I gathered is they know what they are doing. If you sent the email wanting it, they will do it, and may not confirm every detail but I would assume unless they say it's a problem they are working on planning it out for you. It's hard to plan this far away. I literally sat with them for 30 minutes at Caletas and Kelley said, believe it or not with the info you just told us we could do your entire wedding without contacting you again. Obviously they are and are going through all the planning forms with me as planned. And not that it takes more importance over your wedding, Dennise is also getting married at Caletas in January- I think Kelley will be helping out until then, or at least that's what i gathered again when I was there in October and met both of them.


I'm really type A so if I wasn't getting a response I would email her and cc Kelley, she's still there so it wouldn't hurt if you are that worried. Just have faith it'll all work out. :) It'll be an amazing day!

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Just thought I would throw this out there. My wedding is 5 1/2 weeks out and I've been doing all my planning with Kelley and Annie. Annie is going to be doing my wedding and from what I have gathered from emails from her and Kelley, Kelley is done as of this past week. Don't take my word for it, because they never said a set date or anything, but as of Thursday I've just been emailing Annie alone now. I've never even had any contact with Dennise blink.gif so hopefully they have 2 now???? I'd have to say Annie has been pretty good and gets back to me within a day... 2 at the most. I'm sure Kelley would have emailed you before being done to let you know as she did for me so she's probably just working on it.

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Kya- good points. I know Dennise is the second coordinator- I met her and yeah they have 2 now!!! Yay for them! Not sure when Kelley is leaving either, all I know is she sent me an email Friday introducing Dennise (even though I met her in October) and said to reply to both of them with my responses so that's why I figured she was still there, who knows though. I think both coordinators will be working the weddings, but one will do the main corresponding with the brides and they are split up- that's what Kelley told me when I was there in October.


On another note, I have a question for everyone- Boutonniere's- are all your groomsman wearing one? What about the dad's? Did anyone do flowers or boutonniere's for the mom's?



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Yeah our groomsmen and dad's and my brothers are wearing bouts., but dad's and brother's are different from the groomsmens. Our mom's are also going to be wearing pinned corsages that are similar to the dad's but more elegant. Also if sister-in-laws to-be end up coming, still don't know :/ they will have the same ones as moms. I'm starting to get excited about the wedding now that it is so close and I have a better idea of my final guest count. I finally made my FMIL call the family members that I've been hearing are "maybe" coming and tell them now or not for wedding. I may only have a possible 2 more adults and 2 children if sister-in-laws to-be end up coming! That was stressing me out so bad before. I guess I just have to figure out placecards and table number things now and I think I'm done!!! Yay!!! How is everyone else's planning going?


Oh yeah I did have a question for any past brides that had the massages on the wedding day, did you arrange that with Kelley? I'm hoping to get massages for all of us girls going over early as part of my BMs gift. Ok maybe 2 questions lol, did everyone do the site inspection??? We were thinking of skipping it as we have been to LC before and we don't want to miss a day with our guests to go over there.... any thoughts on this??? Would you recommend doing it or could we go without???

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I did my site inspection early in October because we were on vacation and had never been to Caletas...All we did was walk the site, she showed us where everything was, you will be there the entire day and in my opinion if you have been there you could skip it- you are there ALL day, inspection took about 30 min and then we hung out at the beach with tourists....

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bridesmaidsWe had bouts for the groomsmen and the fathers. The mom's got corsages. It looked nice. As far as going to the site visit before hand, we skipped it and spent the time with our guests. Also, they let me use the site visit for two we didn't take toward the wedding party coming over earlier on the boats (saved money). I actually recommend NOT going before, I cannot describe to you the feeling of pulling up and seeing it for the first time on your wedding day. The girls and I headed over earlier on Sunday and a small boat, so there were no tourists and we had the entire place to ourselves. It was so serene and peaceful, and gorgeous!! I am almost started crying seeing it in person for the first time after staring at pictures online for a year and planning, planning, planning. As far as not hearing from the coordinator, they will get in contact with you.I also sent a word document with inspiration pics, as well as filled out the form. Kelley met with us at our hotel 2 days before and went over everything. She knew exactly what we wanted, was very organized, and went through the whole timeline with us. We were extremely impressed. We also gave her our favors, name cards, table numbers, etc. that day so we didn't have to worry about it the day of the wedding. The day of everything was so beautiful, better than I could have chosen for myself. I had asked for calla lillies but Kelley told me that they came in and didn't look that good, so she did something different and to tell you the truth it was probably even prettier and I didn't even notice, or care that I didn't have them. I think you will see the day of that you will be so filled with excitement that the day is finally here and in awe of the natural beauty of the place that you will not worry about any of the details, especially since they are so good at their job. Just trust them!!


groomsmen boutgroom's boutmy bouquet

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I was just wondering if any past brides had last minute guests book and decide to come to your wedding and if you were able to add them in after the 30 day mark??? I hate this but we "may" have 2-4 more adults and 2 children coming but are waiting to hear if they can get it off work. It drives me nuts, but I don't want to add them to the count and have them not come and be out that much money. I dunno was just thinking about this and was wondering if any of you had some insight for me ;) Thanks ladies, I cannot believe my time is coming up soo fast now!

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Hey Ladies, 


I just wanted to share this with you and get some ideas.  I originally found this program on another site and decided to start my own.  I was thinking of handing it to the guests while they board the boat to las Caletas.  It's not even close to being finished yet, but i would love to hear your ideas! 








Program Las Caletas.pub

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