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Biggest Destination Wedding Stress factor - what's yours?

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Originally Posted by jenninjamaica View Post
My biggest stress so far is hoping that everyone will be able to afford the trip. We have paid the deposits, but until everyone pays in full by March, I won't be able to be stress-free. Its just a small group, but its our close family and friends, so I'd hate for any of them to not be there!
I totally agree with this one! I keep saying that we really just need our parents and siblings to be there and anyone else will be a bonus. I really don't want anyone to feel pressured to come, but I would be thrilled if I could have 15-30 there. I'm planning on talking to some relatives over Thanksgiving and have been calling some friends now that I'm officially engaged, so hopefully I can put the word out without sounding bossy.
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Totally agree with you ladies who are stressed about people booking, half of our wedding party has yet to book...It is crappy, I don't trust that people who agreed to be standing with us will even be there. I have several friends who want to come, but they are anxious about booking before they know how many other people that they know will be there. I understand b/c most of them are single, and I wouldn't want to go if I didn't have a few friends for sure going...There are about 19 confirmed guests, and about 20+ 'probably', I don't like trying to convince ppl they should come. Also, a few of our close friends won't be able to make it - which is totally understandable since they all have other commitments that week, but I am still sad they won't be there. I really want everyone to have a great week - so I'm stressed that my guests won't like the resort I picked too...I really hope we all have a great time!

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Originally Posted by sjmacphe View Post
Totally agree with you ladies who are stressed about people booking, half of our wedding party has yet to book...It is crappy, I don't trust that people who agreed to be standing with us will even be there. I have several friends who want to come, but they are anxious about booking before they know how many other people that they know will be there. I understand b/c most of them are single, and I wouldn't want to go if I didn't have a few friends for sure going...There are about 19 confirmed guests, and about 20+ 'probably', I don't like trying to convince ppl they should come. Also, a few of our close friends won't be able to make it - which is totally understandable since they all have other commitments that week, but I am still sad they won't be there. I really want everyone to have a great week - so I'm stressed that my guests won't like the resort I picked too...I really hope we all have a great time!
I totally feel you! At least your MOH and another bridesmaid haven't decided to fine a timeshare in the area to stay at! I kinda got panicy at first and was really upset they weren't staying in the hotel but if that's the only way for them to come then what can I say?
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Hmm I have a couple HUGE stressers.


#1- People booking. Hands down.


#2- My WC pushing me to do all this crap and no money to do so and giving me all these deadlines. When she is just trying to make some commission money!!


#3- Paying for everything! We are paying cash for everything. No credit cards and its tough but in the end it will be worth it!

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The biggest stress and worry factor is booking our rooms. At this point I feel so defeated that part of me wants to give up... we have a minimum number of rooms that we need to fill and if we don't, we still have to pay for them.


I would suggest to brides out there trying to avoid that kind of stress to either 1) pick a hotel where you don't need to book a minimum number of rooms 2) expect a lot less people to show up than expected 3) to try to not take it personally when people who you really want to be there with you say that they can't make it due to the cost!

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My biggest stress is hoping that everyone will be happy with the resort. They are paying a lot of money and I want them to be happy. I went with a 4 star so that more people could afford to go even though I really wanted to go to a Dreams.


But really, who am I kidding. I am 5 months away and I have done almost nothing to prepare so everything is kind of stressing me out.

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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
I totally feel you! At least your MOH and another bridesmaid haven't decided to fine a timeshare in the area to stay at! I kinda got panicy at first and was really upset they weren't staying in the hotel but if that's the only way for them to come then what can I say?
Just throwing something out there- one of my BFF's is getting a timeshare instead of staying at the resort, and at first I was kind of sad about it (not expressing to her of course) but she ended up contacting the TA for day pass info, and the TA suggested that they just stay the wedding night. It ends up being less than double the cost of the day pass, then they don't have to worry about anything! I honestly wouldn't have thought of that.

And other than that--- my biggest stress has been that my Sister and Dad can make it. It's not so much as a stress as a hope. Everything else I am just leaving in fates/well planning hands and hoping for the very best! Also, like others, paying for everything. The budget seems in order.....but who knows. Trying to work some OT to help!

Some of the best advice I've gotten on here from past brides, is that we stress way more than we need to.

Don't stress about things you cannot change (or try your hardest not to anyways!!)
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I guess my biggest stress is the wedding party. I chose not to have one, then my BF assumed the role of MOH, and assured me that no matter what she would be there. so then that led to getting a BM, well last week she informs me that they are going to Florida in a few weeks till the middle of JAN, so there is no way that she could afford another big trip next year. I can understand the not being able to afford 2 big trips but we have been planning this DW for almost 2 years. Also my guest list is getting smaller and smaller. Thinking we should of just eloped.

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I would have to say my biggest stress were some of our guests getting some of them to book was a nightmare and some of the comments made prior to the wedding almost made me cancel and go to Vegas and let Elvis marry us (and I hate Elvis hehe) Being a member of this forum helped me do so much planning and see a lot of other couples going through the same things, I don't think I could have planned such a great wedding without all the wonderful tips on here.

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My biggest stress factor has been worrying about my dogs and graduate school. I have two boxers and my Fiance doesn't want to board them since we'll be out of the country for 3 weeks. All of my friends are married and some have kids so they would not be able to come house sit. My vet told me to call her when were are a few months out to see if there was a vet tech who could house/dog sit. Also, I am getting my MBA. Planning a wedding, dieting (to get just 5 lbs off), working full-time and going to school at night is hard. But I think it will be worth it. I am also trying to stay positive about finding someone to stay with my fur babies.


All of my guests have been family and a few friends. Getting them to book was easy. I did all the research and gave them options on our private website. To my surprise everyone has plane tickets to Rome, and plans on meeting us there to site see and travel to Positano together. I was shocked that this fell into place. I anticipated this being the biggest stress factor.

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