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How did you negotiate??

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Hey ladies, I know we're in a recession and everything so I think it's valid to ask.


If you don't mind sharing, how did you negotiate with your resort/vendors on certain things? What did they do to help you stay within budget and was there something they didn't budge on?


I'm not really the negotiating type so I'm trying to figure out what's the best route for these kinds of things?

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We are still in the beginning of the process but I've heard that my resort is very flexible on fees - they tack them on to everything and I am planning on asking them to take them off of everything or atleast cut them in half. When I asked about bringing in a photographer who is not on their preferred vendor list, my WC said that fees for outside vendors start at $250. If that's the case, I don't plan on paying more than $250 for outside vendors.


I am not flexible on things that affect my guests experience. I don't mind spending money on the band, the flowers and the food - because those are the things that people remember.

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I think a TA is key if you booked through one. My initial impression of our resort is that we could have a semi-private reception in one of the specialty restaurants (basically just dinner as a group) but after booking the wedding coordinator started telling me this was impossible and that we'd have to pay $2,000 for a private reception if we wanted everybody to be able to eat at the same time. I about had a fit, I was NOT paying that much for a reception was I was given the impression it wouldn't be a problem AND because it's an all-inclusive resort!! Charge me for linens and a set-up fee but do NOT charge me for food we'd already be eating for free!! Anyway, my FMIL sent her travel agent after them (ours was no help AT ALL) and in the end we aren't getting to eat in a specialty restaurant but we will have an area of the buffet reserved for our whole group (no charge). Which apparently is customary but the wedding coordinator neglected to tell me when I was freaking out.


So if there's something you're dead set on, don't be afraid to send a TA after them and try to get the price down. These things really are negotiable in my opinion. If, like in my case, they say something will cost you such and such and you really aren't that concerned about that portion of the wedding - it's ok to just skip it altogether. But I see no problem with asking how you can get something for cheaper if their quoted price is too high for you. I've found nice ways to ask people to lower their quote without being "aggressive" about it. If their quote for flowers is too much, just ask "Would it cost any less if we made them a little smaller or took this kind of flower out? I was hoping to only spend X on them". Usually they'll be accommodating if they think their only options are to lower their price or lose your business entirely.

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