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lscilley's Planning Thread

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Hey everyone it's finally time for my planning thread we leave in 2 days and I have so much to do but I wanted to make sure I did this since I know how we all love pictures and how much planning threads helped me during my planning!

We got engaged in March of 2007 and I quickly started planning my wedding in Punta Cana and then it all came to a halt when I had to go to school and my fiance moved to Australia but it mostly came together and here it is.

My engagement and wedding band:

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His Band it's white gold:

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My dress I got it from the Bridal House in Edmonton and I love it!!

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The detail of top:

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My jewellery there is matching earrings:

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Men's Clothes from Old Navy:

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Flowers from Bittersweet Wedding Designs before all the stuff happened:

My Bouquet

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More to come..........

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We are getting married at The Majestic Colonial in Punta Cana on the beach.

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Reception in the Parrot Bar

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OOT Bags- bought bags at cheaptotes for .99$ each and all the rest of the contents from Dollarama other than the mugs I got those from Go Logowear in Edmonton. In the bags are 2 mugs,a calendar,sunscreen,lotion,body wash,hand sanitizer,2 spanish for dummies books,kleenex,beach balls,first aid kits and hangover kits (advil, immodium, benadryl, pepto)

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Still more...........

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Congratulations and best of luck to you!! Everything looks great and we really appreciate you taking the time to post your planning thread - especially when we all know how terribly busy you must be right now. Be sure to let us know how it all went, once you return. Happy wedding!!!!

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I don't have pics of the bridesmaids dresses but they are coral. The girls are getting personalized tote bags from just embroidered totes, towels, flip flops, starfish necklaces and tank tops.

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My garter

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Cake Cutting Set

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Cake Ideas

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Cake Topper from Etsy

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I did a BD book for my FI but I didn't take any pics and I also made a scrapbook guestbook I will post pics after the wedding. I better get going and get some packing done hopefully I can fit it all in!!!!

Thanks to all the ladies on this forum for your help and ideas!!!!!!smile29.gif

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