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Fun Games for Making Us Kiss!

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Making up love songs or doing trivia are some things i've heard of. At our reception the DJ put shots of random liquor up on the DJ table and you had to get up and take a shot if you wanted us to kiss. My fiances family/friends LOVE drinking and initially I was naive enough to think this would LIMIT the number of times we had to do it (cause we both hate those sorts of things) Yeah....that didn't work. I think we probably went through close to 3 dozen shots...Some were groups and we only did one kiss, not one for every person. But it was pretty funny seeing his grandma take a shot.

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Caroline24 - since a lot of the time wedding guests want to make the new couples kiss (at any point during the reception dinner really), its a fairly common tradition to clink the glasses with your fork or knife etc. Unfortunately a lot of venues don't like this because of all the broken glassware (and many places have rules against it now!) but moreso it seems that many couples and other guests really dislike clinking the glasses as well. So occurring more and more, the wedding couple will make suggestions to their guests for an alternative way to have them kiss. And that's what the ideas above are meant for!

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We did it during dinner but it was SO annoying for us since our dinner kept getting interrupted which made it hard to eat. It was: take a bite, kiss, kiss, take two bites, kiss, take three bites... and so on. On top of it they kept making us stand up to kiss but there really isn't another good time to do it...

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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
Caroline24 - since a lot of the time wedding guests want to make the new couples kiss (at any point during the reception dinner really), its a fairly common tradition to clink the glasses with your fork or knife etc. Unfortunately a lot of venues don't like this because of all the broken glassware (and many places have rules against it now!) but moreso it seems that many couples and other guests really dislike clinking the glasses as well. So occurring more and more, the wedding couple will make suggestions to their guests for an alternative way to have them kiss. And that's what the ideas above are meant for!
thank you!! I've been to several weddings and never heard of this...weird! well I'll have to take some ideas from you ladies, it's crazy how much you learn from this forum :)
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Originally Posted by tammikins View Post
A wedding we went to a few months ago, the bride and groom states that instead of the glass clinking thing to get them to kiss the guests needed to do the wave.
ok i love this one! the wave...haha! that's gold. i am so doing this.
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