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I know I haven't, but I never got to the stage of sending money. It's funny too, she sent this long message about how she was from x place and wanted to give me more info about herself so I wouldn't feel nervous making the deal, etc. I sent her my addy for shipping estimate and for paypal, and never heard from her again....

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No unfortunately I have not yet heard back from the seller. I did sent another email message, but have not heard back on this forum, through email, or through the paypal dispute. If she does not respond soon, I can file a claim against her on paypal on the 15th. Hopefully she gets back to me soon. I hope her wedding went well and I'm sure she's busy with just having her wedding in November. And hopefully she is okay!

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I do apologize for the delay. this is the first time I have logged onto this account since before I left on my trip. I have refunded your money back to you Christina and also sent you a PM.


As for the rest of the brides on here please keep your comments to yourself. Defraud anybody is not something I would ever do. I am not that person. After our wedding we came back to the states and my grandmother died. SO i have really isolated myself from the world which wasnt fair to Christina. With all the last minute running around for my wedding I neglected to send the items and didnt even realize it until I looked in my trunk this morning. But to read all of these comments about how you feel about a situation you know nothing about disturbs me. If I was gonna rip you off do you think I would give you my name and address? lets be for real. As for the others that may have been interested in any items I didnt PM you back becuase the items were no longer for sale not because I disapeared into cyber world. Geesh you women are pathetic, and its a shame you have nothing else to do better with your time than to think the worst of people. Did it occur to anyone that something may have happened. No all you were worried about was material items, trinkets that mean nothing in a real sense. Again CHRISTINA since you are the one whom I was dealing with in the first place I do apologize again and your money has been refunded through paypal. I am not sure how long that process takes. But as I put in the email for your trouble you can have the items for free because I have no use for them.


Have a happy holiday

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I think that because of an incident that happened here on this board very recently (with girls getting rippied off badly) that we were quick to jump to the gun! We all look out for eachother on here, and when one girl seems to be having a rough time (with a seller, their FI or DH... etc) we want to help them out and suport them.


We were wrong to jump to conclusions, and for that I think we will all apologize. But I don't think it is fair to call us "pathetic" and focused on material items, and to assume that we only "assume the worst about people" is an unjust assumption in itself, no?


On another note, I can personally say I'm sorry for the loss of your grandmother, I know that is not easy (lost mine to cancer a couple years ago) and to have it happen around your wedding must have made it even harder. Hopefully you stick around on this board, we can be a great mood lifter!! :)

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mymy - I am sorry for the loss of your grandmother and I hope your wedding went well.


However, you disappeared for weeks (a month?) after accepting money for items that you never sent, you honestly can't be mad that people were hoping you weren't a fraud. There really was no need to come back and write such nastiness and name-calling in your response.


I think it's super nice of you to send the items for free to try to clear up this debacle, but I'd just like to point out that the name-calling and such cannot be tolerated. I hope you can calm down and become an active member of the forum.

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I can respect that and I do apologize for offending anyone. Its just when I read the post I started fuming mad and the only way I could express my anger was to let it out verbally. Which was very wrong of me I apologize and pathetic was a terrible word to use.


My wedding was perfect. We were in Jamaica for 2 weeks. Although coming home and having to go through this tragedy was so totally unexpected. My grandmother wasn't even sickly. She went to the hospital for one thing, they found something else, they operated and it killed her. I hadnt even realized how long I was gone. Coping with a loss is a terrible void you feel deep in your soul. Nothing can change that.


As far as this forum I feel that you do help support each bride. However its not fair to judge a person. I can see if there was hundreds of dollars at stake here although money is money and everyone works hard for it. I am not hard up for cash I just decided to sell the items to get some of my money back that I already spent. At this point I will just donate them because my wedding was beautiful although I cant be a happy newlywed like I want to be , which is conflicting and makes the situation so much worse. Not to mention the holidays are coming and my granny is gone, never to return.


To all I called pathetic i do apologize again. the other lady was right now is not the time for name calling. I just want to get pass this situation and move forward from this point on.

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I am very sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to loose someone you were very close to. I am glad you had a wonderful wedding in Jamaica. I sent you a PM about the items. Thanks for getting back to me, i appreciate it. Have a good holiday season. Again I am very sorry for your loss.

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