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To my Ringless/ Yet to be engaged Ladies...


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I am engaged but I knew it was coming - I had just graduated and my FI took me on a trip to Jamaica - he would have been an idiot not to have done it then! He did it the first night of the trip and I totally thought he was going to do it in the middle of the trip. But I still was in denial in my mind and I was completely surprised, and it was still perfect.


A Friend of mine was on a trip through Europe and knew her FI was going to do it then, but she thought he was going to do it in Germany (where his family is from) and he did it in Venice.


So I still think it is special and at least you are prepared a little lol.

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I'm not ringless but I definitely knew that it was coming, my FI isn't really good at keeping secrets the bill for the ring kept popping up in the mail. haha, I also kind of figured out that it would be on our weekend away for our anniversary, which it was and he still has no idea that I had any idea and I will never break his heart and tell him, he tried so hard to go all out and surprise me because he knows how much I love surprises but in the end it was a perfect proposal and totally us and I wouldn't change it. Even if you are expecting it it will still be perfect.

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Im not ringless but I def. did not know it was coming! I tormented him and bugged the crap out of him but I knew it wouldn't happen while doing that. So I stopped doing that for a while, like 3 months, and it finally happened!!! and I was in complete shock and totally surprised!!!

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Well, though I've known it's coming for the last couple of months, I think I will be surprised when it actually DOES happen. At first it was a bit hard, always wondering if it was just around the corner. But known I'm back to my comfortable routine and got more used to the idea of waiting, so I don't expect it anymore. Though I'm guessing I might start to be more on the lookout for clues he will do it once the Christmas Holiday rolls around. And if he doesn't do it then, then the next big time would be Valentine's Day. So basically, as long as he strays away from those too obvious times, I will for sure be surprised. :)

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Originally Posted by RonNMel View Post
Well, though I've known it's coming for the last couple of months, I think I will be surprised when it actually DOES happen. At first it was a bit hard, always wondering if it was just around the corner. But known I'm back to my comfortable routine and got more used to the idea of waiting, so I don't expect it anymore. Though I'm guessing I might start to be more on the lookout for clues he will do it once the Christmas Holiday rolls around. And if he doesn't do it then, then the next big time would be Valentine's Day. So basically, as long as he strays away from those too obvious times, I will for sure be surprised. :)
YES!! That is exactly how I feel; every move he makes, Im like "oh whats he doing?!? Where did he go?! Oh, I see him digging in his pocket...!!" Every move he makes is suspect!! I think I need to back off. I dont say anything to him, but my facial expressions say it all!!

Thanks ladies.
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Yeah I think that since I know it's coming and we've talked about it so much, it won't be as much of a surprise as it is for some, but I still think there will be some surprise to it. Since we picked the ring out in February, I really expected to have it by now and like you said every special occasion or trip I thought it would come... and it didn't. So now I've kind of let it go a bit and I think I will be kind of surprised. I'm not really one who needs a big surprise though, it'll happen when it happens.

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I think that we will be "robbed" of being caught totally by surprise bc many women on here had no idea a ring was even coming, but I dont think it will ruin much for me. I know it is coming, we have his ring and I have alot done for the DW but I have no idea as to when, where or how he will do it. I know I wont be getting it this year as he hasnt ordered it yet and it will take 4-6 weeks to get to us from the States, so Im hoping early next year. I have stopped looking for clues bc I dont want to ruin what surprise I have left. I will just let it happen and until then PATIENTLY (that is the operative word) wait......lol

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I knew it was coming and it was an amazing experience. After over a year of anticipation and over a month of taunting (he literally told me I was sleeping within 15 feet of the ring) he finally proposed. The night it happened, I was hoping it would be "the night" but I wouldn't let myself believe it would be. When he got down on his knee, tears instantly came. I couldn't ask for anything more then the feeling of that moment...surprise or not. It was totally worth the wait.

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I love reading these!


I knew we were getting married, but we made a big move from Denver to SF and had literally zero money or jobs. So I thought for sure that it wouldn't happen for a very long time. However, he actually purchased my ring BEFORE we moved, and didn't pop the question until 6 months later (he said he wanted a proper job and to be able to provide for me, awwww). His restraint is amazing. I could have never done it! SO in conclusion, I knew it was coming but did NOT expect it so soon!!


My friend actually just got engaged, her and FI were shopping and found a fabulous deal, so bought it together, but he wouldn't propose until he asked her Dad. She DEF knew it was coming, but it didn't make it any less fun or special!!

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