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"Things to pack" section for website

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this is what I have on my site:



What to Pack....

Start with the essentials:

Passport or Birth Certificate and valid picture identification

Travelers checks

Airline tickets

U.S. dollars in small denominations

Money belt or other inconspicuous document carrier



Basic Necessities:

Hat with brim

Comfortable walking shoes and sandals

Lightweight raincoat or umbrella

Lightweight windbreaker

Aspirin or other pain-reliever

Mosquito repellent

Sunscreen (SPF 30 and up)

Sunburn lotion

Spare prescription glasses


Items that are not made in Costa Rica are often expensive, and may be difficult to find. Below is a list of such items:

Film and camera equipment


First-aid kit

Good walking shoes

Alarm clock or watch


Insect repellent

Anti-itch ointment



Birth control items

Contact lens solution

Towels and washcloths



Be sure to put tags on the inside and outside of your bags. Their are limits on what visitors can bring inside the country. Electrical items must not be in their original packaging, and should not appear brand new. The government is watchful of people importing electronics for resale.

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Originally Posted by mlb36 View Post
I always get burnt too. I wrote it on my list for OOT bags. If I don't end up buying any, I'll add it to the list.
There was a really good seller on eBay that someone posted about here. I ended up getting the after sun care through the ebay seller as well, and it's awesome quality. I'll see if I can find the thread for you...
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Originally Posted by mlb36 View Post
Call you CC companies & bank & let them know you will be in Mexico so they don't put a stop on your credit cards.
Warn your guests tho that this could still happen. Most of the credit card companies/banks automated systems will automatically decline a card when it's used in an irregular pattern--- for example, if a person hardly ever travels and then comes to Mexico for your wedding, the automated system with the cc company will decline the charges. Then the owner of the card has to call in and tell them it's ok before they release the hold on the card...

Even when I've notified the bank/cc company in advance that I was leaving the country, they still decline my first charge until I prove it's me using the card.
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Originally Posted by MikkiStreak View Post
Warn your guests tho that this could still happen. Most of the credit card companies/banks automated systems will automatically decline a card when it's used in an irregular pattern--- for example, if a person hardly ever travels and then comes to Mexico for your wedding, the automated system with the cc company will decline the charges. Then the owner of the card has to call in and tell them it's ok before they release the hold on the card...

Even when I've notified the bank/cc company in advance that I was leaving the country, they still decline my first charge until I prove it's me using the card.
I wonder if it's different in the U.S.? My aunt works for a bank, she mentioned if you call in ahead of time, they can release any automated systems which might interfere with your cc sprees while on vacation. She works for a more local bank though, so I'm not sure how that varies from bank to bank. Definately worth checking out when you call - ask them if there is a chance that might happen.
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Originally Posted by mlb36 View Post
Aare electrical outlets the same in mexico as in the US? I can't remember ever using an outlet when I've been there. My camera battery is recharged by being plugged in. Are there usually outlets in the hotel?

What types of insects are your trying to repell? Mosquitos? I could see them being a problem in the jungle. They shouldn't be an issue on the beach right?

The plugs are the same as they are in the US.

"Warn your guests tho that this could still happen. Most of the credit card companies/banks automated systems will automatically decline a card when it's used in an irregular pattern--- for example, if a person hardly ever travels and then comes to Mexico for your wedding, the automated system with the cc company will decline the charges. Then the owner of the card has to call in and tell them it's ok before they release the hold on the card...

Even when I've notified the bank/cc company in advance that I was leaving the country, they still decline my first charge until I prove it's me using the card."

I had this happen to me. I call my cc company every time now.
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Originally Posted by mlb36 View Post
Great ideas! I thought of another thing. Its not really something to pack, but something to do. Call you CC companies & bank & let them know you will be in Mexico so they don't put a stop on your credit cards.
I guess it doesn't work all the time but it has worked for us. We told them we'd be making charges in Mexico and Jamaica in a specific time period and we had no problems in either location.

It was funny because the last few times I went to my bank they were all like "how was Mexico and Jamaica?" because those notes are on our account. Anyway, it's worth a try.
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Originally Posted by mlb36 View Post
What types of insects are your trying to repell? Mosquitos? I could see them being a problem in the jungle. They shouldn't be an issue on the beach right?
I would bring it just in case. I've seen flying bugs in Mexico that I couldn't identify and wasn't sure if they bit or not but I was glad to have the repellant. We were laying on the beach one night at like 2 a.m. and didn't apply the spray and our legs got all bit up by mosquitos.

At the wedding though I didn't see one mosquito which was weird...maybe some of those candles were citronella? Not sure.
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I called my credit card companies before going to the UK & France in March. I didn't have a problem. Maybe it depends on the company.


We'll pack mosquito spray. I just wanted to make sure we were protecting from the right kind of bug. Although, I think mosquito spray is usually for several types of bugs. For some reason mosquitos are usually not on beaches. Maybe because of the breeze. In college we went to the island that was a natural protected area so they didn't spray for mosquitos at all. There were swarms of mosquitos everywhere, it was terrible. The next day we worked at the beach all day & didn't get bit once. So I figure there is some reason why they don't hang out on the beach. My wedding will be by a lagoon though. That could be bad.

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