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Trip prices dropped!


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I feel so guilty! our TA made it out that it was sooo urgent to get everyone booked within 30 days cause the price would go up as we were getting a steal of a deal...which at the time it was a steal of a deal, now a month later, the prices have dropped about $250 from our group rate!! that is $500 per couple. I feel so awful that 40 people have booked and they could have saved $500 per couple.

Has anyone had this happen? what did you do? do you tell your guests who have already booked? I emailed my TA, as with our group we get one price reduction IF there is enough seats avail at that rate. but our tour company hasn't dropped their rates yet. But Air Transat sure has. But if our tour company drops, i doubt they'll have 40 seatss at that rate. ugh, i feel guilty now!


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Ours dropped as well. I brought it to our TAs attention and she said there is nothing she can do. I totally know how you are feeling as I was in the same boat a month ago. You have a group of 40 (or in our case 20) so you should be getting the best of the best for your rate. We sucked it up, and everyone stayed with the group instead of saving the money, which made us feel really special. I wouldn't bring it up to anyone in less they ask, or tell them to call your TA for more info. Hope that helps, I know how you feel. Good Luck!

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Hi there. We booked our trip and anytime prices dropped we would call the resort and ask for our prices to be price matched and they always would update our booking to the cheaper rate.


Its like with any other company or business they have to price match, from what I hear, that is a law.


Call your resort directly. Something should be able to be worked out. You could always transfer your booking from TA to resort, if that is the only way to get a better rate.

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Ugh, how frustrating!! I am currently looking for a good rate and I have different agents telling me different things. One is telling me to wait to book because it WILL go down. Others are saying, better book because Dreams is a hot property. I don't know what to do! Good luck!!!

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Our TA did not book us at a "group rate" for this exact reason. She did give us $50 back for each room we booked to help give US a better rate since we were the ones doing all the work. However, by not booking as a group we are able to get our prices matched if the trip drops in price. We all have insurance too, $99 pp, and if for any reason at all someone needs to cancel, they are only out the $99. I think this insurance was part of the matching the dropped prices too. Talk to your TA. Good luck!

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Ladies- this is again the difference between canadian brides/ travel companies and USA travel companies. Please look at where the original poster is from as it makes a huge difference in policy!


It is also a difference in contracts- group rates are set with a contract stating that you are paying that reduced price in exchange for guaranteeing a certain number of rooms. The contract may provide additional amenities. The contract also guarantees that if the rates go up- you pay the original contracted rate.


BTW - it is not a law that if the price trops they have to honor the price drop. That is a courtesy that some resorts offer - Sandals and Beaches is one of the best for easily honouring those drops. Other resorts do not honor drops at all while some do so only with certain sales or time restrictions.


Keep in mind that when you are depositing on a room you are entering an agreement to pay that particular price- I am 100% positive that each of you would have a heart attack (and rightfully so) and be throwing a fit if the resort came back to you & said "well....we've had a price increase so now you have to pay more than when you deposited-you now owe us...... You'd be saying but we had a contract and it guaranteed us that rate!


I don't mean to be negative here at all- just keeping things in perspective!

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