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Any Gran Bahia Principe Runaway Bay Brides out there?

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Yes I got a response from Donnalee after about 4-5 e-mails in which I CC'ed Chandlyn and my TA as well. I can't believe you still haven't gotten a response, hopefully the manager will be able to assist you!

Originally Posted by FleetMac bride View Post

Wow great britain they actually responded to you, still nothing for me they clearly have got my emails then and are avoiding me hissyfit.gif.  I emailed the manager about my issue. Hopefully it will get resolved soon. I was really hoping to get an answer before the week-end looks like it's not going to happen.




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I'm on the 18th!!  We arrive on the 15th.  'Let's get together and feel alrgith!'


I'm saddened to hear people's experiences with Chandlyn and Donalee, I have nothing but good to say about them, they have been very helpful.

Originally Posted by LOKeefe View Post

Hi, our wedding is on November 15 @ 2:00 pm! We will all have to meet!! Exciting as it gets closer.



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I think you should email them with the subject- NEED RESPONSE ASAP OR CANCELING WHOLE GROUP  or something to that affect. And CC the front desk person: [email protected]  and their PR person: [email protected] (These are the only other email addresses I have for GBP).  I'm not sure that either of them will be able to help but at least it's adding other people at GBP so hopefully they will realize there is a problem and make sure that Chandlyn address it quickly.  Good luck!!!!!

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Hello ladies,


So very sorry I have been MIA for a while now. Please excuse me as I have been having similar problems as some of you with regards to family members saying they are attending and then cancelling at the very last minute. I guess this is a very common problem and i'm not freaking out because I know that I'm very lucky to have 14 guests coming as of the deadline to book with my travel agent. Canada post strike was also a big problem as well and i'm so glad that it is over with.


More importantly, Congrats to all the new brides and thank you for your reviews and pictures because I still have a very long way to go for my May 24, 2012 wedding.


To those brides that are having problems with their dates being changed, I feel so very terrible for you and it makes me very worried that maybe we booked our wedding and our photography too early. 


On note about the photography, we have hired Paul Nelson. He works throughout the greater area of Toronto and is going for our wedding and another wedding during the same week as ours. My wedding is booked on thurs and we are hoping to do a trash the dress on the friday. We are told by Paul that we have to share the friday with the other couple because their wedding is on the wed. Paul and our group leave on the saturday so Gran bahia better not change our date unless they move our date to earlier on in the week so we can do our trash the dress and our guests can attend our wedding. 

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hi ladies. well, I have some good news (sort of) and some news that is whatever... lol


we are being married at home here on Oct 15th. we finalized it yesterday. after many tears and arguments that I thought would split us up, we've managed a compromise and will have a very small wedding with about 20 people. we can't afford any more than that. but it's ok - we have our best friends and some family that will be with us.


we lost everyone to go Jamaica so we are now 2, once they all found out what the others did, everyone just assumed that it was done and decided not to go.  but the good news is we are still travelling on our date of Nov 12th and will still have our "ceremony" at GBPJ on November 17th only we'll just have a blessing instead. I didn't want to lose our photographer money that was alread paid so we're taking everything they will give us for the "free" wedding and will have pics done just the 2 of us. on the beach like I wanted to have.  it isn't what I hoped for or wanted but it's what I have to take and be satisfied with it and enjoy it. I'm still going to have a dress - not sure which one yet. don't know if I want to take my dress all the way there now for a blessing so I might try and find something a little simpler and lighter and a whole lot cheaper!!  lol


so if anyone is going to be at GBPJ during the week of Nov 12th to Nov 19th, please come and see us at 2:30 pm on Thursday, November 17th. we'll be the only ones at the gazebo so you won't be able to miss us. but it sure would be nice to have somebody else there even if you just say hi and leave. but if you want to join us for a drink you're welcome to do that too.

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I'm really glad you came to a comprimise about things and that you are still going to have a blessing in Jamaica.  You will get your dream beach pictures and it will be so special with just the two of you.  If I could go back now I would probablly just do the two of us anyways!  You will have an amazing time in Jamaica!

Originally Posted by acw271011 View Post

hi ladies. well, I have some good news (sort of) and some news that is whatever... lol


we are being married at home here on Oct 15th. we finalized it yesterday. after many tears and arguments that I thought would split us up, we've managed a compromise and will have a very small wedding with about 20 people. we can't afford any more than that. but it's ok - we have our best friends and some family that will be with us.


we lost everyone to go Jamaica so we are now 2, once they all found out what the others did, everyone just assumed that it was done and decided not to go.  but the good news is we are still travelling on our date of Nov 12th and will still have our "ceremony" at GBPJ on November 17th only we'll just have a blessing instead. I didn't want to lose our photographer money that was alread paid so we're taking everything they will give us for the "free" wedding and will have pics done just the 2 of us. on the beach like I wanted to have.  it isn't what I hoped for or wanted but it's what I have to take and be satisfied with it and enjoy it. I'm still going to have a dress - not sure which one yet. don't know if I want to take my dress all the way there now for a blessing so I might try and find something a little simpler and lighter and a whole lot cheaper!!  lol


so if anyone is going to be at GBPJ during the week of Nov 12th to Nov 19th, please come and see us at 2:30 pm on Thursday, November 17th. we'll be the only ones at the gazebo so you won't be able to miss us. but it sure would be nice to have somebody else there even if you just say hi and leave. but if you want to join us for a drink you're welcome to do that too.


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Yes, that is normal. My wedding is 60 days away and I haven't locked in a restaurant either for the reception. The reason is because not all restaurants are open all the time. So closer to your wedding day (usually 2 weeks out) you can lock down a certain restaurant. From what I've been told the Grill and Italian Restaurant are both great so you will have nothing to worry about. You should have locked down a time though..

When booking your wedding? Do they book your wedding reception at the same time? I was told I have to email back 2 weeks before I leave to book it? Is this normal?

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