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Any Gran Bahia Principe Runaway Bay Brides out there?

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Originally Posted by HopeToBe View Post


Has anyone been having any difficulty with the wedding planners at the resort regarding some of what they claim to offer in the package vs. what is actually being offered?!


For instance, the newest Romance Extravaganza states "live music during the ceremony".  When I spoke to Vivette about wanting a sax player she said that is HAS to be the steel band.  Nowhere in writing does it say, 'steel band', so I dont know why all of a sudden I have to pay extra to have a sax player when the package simply states "live music". 


Soooo frustrating!!  Anyone else having this problem?????



Also, I really wanted to do something different with the menu vs. eating the same thing that my guests will be eating all week.  So I wanted to bring in an Indian caterer (my favourite food!).  The resort is not allowing me to bring in an Indian catered because "I'm not Indian"!!?!?!.  I couldn't believe it.  VERY prejudiced.  She has never seen me nor my fiancee and doesnt know what kind of guests I'll be bringing.  Where do they get off telling me that I'm not Indian so I can't have Indian food delivered?!  I can, however, have a different cake from an outside bakery delivered.  WTF?! 


Becoming very frustrated with them telling me what I can and can't do for my special day. 


(sorry, had to vent!)

We asked what the 'live music' was before we made a decision about it!  But we were hoping for the steel drum band since we were planning on paying extra for that anyway.  

I do agree that it is sometimes hard to get a straight answer from them sometimes, but my TA told me to include her in any emails if we were having trouble, so far we haven't had to do this but if you are having trouble I would have your TA be included in the conversation that might help out!

Personally I would think that as long as you are willing to pay the price it shouldn't matter what food you want to bring in.

Hope things work out

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Originally Posted by MelB2012 View Post


Hey Past GBP Brides...


For those of you that had a flower girl, did you have flower petals for her to throw? I'm having difficulty figuring out what I'm going to do for my flower girl.... I don't know if I can bring in freeze dried petals (which aren't cheap....) and the petals from the resort are VERY expensive....


I have asked the WC if I could have her sprinkle glitter (not a lot... tiny hands and all...) and I didn't get a straight yes or no. They dodged the question and suggested she carry a basket that says "here comes the bride" instead.... I'm not too fond of the idea.


Soon-to-be-Brides... what have you been planning?



Hey MelB2012...

Everyone says that the Gazebo area is very windy...I didn't go with the freeze dried flowers because of the cost factor as well as the effect won't be as envisioned due to the wind.  In the end, I decided to go with having my cute little 2 year old flower girl walk with a bubble wand...the Jr. Bridesmaid will be responsible to ensure she has bubbles going while walking down the path to the gazebo.  I think sprinkles are a great idea too!!

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This is what I am thinking about.  Don't really want the manicure/pedicure as I always do that before I leave for vacation.  And now with shellac!!!!  no worries:)  I'm hoping they will reimburse me for that, so that I can put those savings towards the ceremony/flowers etc.


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Hi! Anyone knows what type of decorations is included in the different packages? The ribbon decorated on the gazebo is it included or we have to pay extra? Or bring our own? And what are included for the chairs? Do we have to pay for the sasches? Thanks!

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Originally Posted by diana2409 View Post


Hi! Anyone knows what type of decorations is included in the different packages?

The ribbon decorated on the gazebo is it included or we have to pay extra? Or bring our own?

And what are included for the chairs? Do we have to pay for the sasches?


I'd like to know what's included or not.  I have written to the WC...awaiting a response.  I find it weird that in the papers you have to fax over, they ask if you want upgrades, etc...but they don't even tell you what's included to begin with.  I would think for a hotel that does so many weddings, that they would be a little more proactive and on top of this kind of thing...instead of us having to chase them, and await a response...

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Originally Posted by DandM2013 View Post


Congrats FutureKeese22!  Let us know how it goes. 


I leave June 28 for my July 1 wedding and I am sorting out all the final details now!


Let's hope everything goes smoothly and beautifully!

All the best:)  Have a wonderful time......soak it all up.

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