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Any Gran Bahia Principe Runaway Bay Brides out there?

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I had checked with Chandlyn back in March and she indicated at that time that the mix grill is bits of pork, chicken, and beef.  I thought that was a nice selection so that's what I've opted to go with.  I also originally asked for the ceasar salad but now with the couple of reviews I've read about it not being very good I'm torn on whether or not I should change to something else.  If it is only the dressing that makes the salad not very good it might be possible to bring a couple bottles of dressing along and get the resort to use that instead of what they normally use....just a thought though.


Originally Posted by monarch View Post

What is in the mixed grill at the grill restaurant?  We have a menu list but it doesn't seem to be so complete.  I wonder why I've heard 2 people mention to avoid the cesar salad.  It seems like it would be very difficult to mess up a cesar salad.  Doe it have anchovies or something?  Smell fishy?


On our menu, the cesar salad is only offered at the grill and not at the italian restaurant. 


How was the tiramisu?


Has anyone had the caprese salad?


Also, does anyone know if the standart cake is one or two layers?  They indicate that you can purchase an extra layer and I'm wondering if that would make 2 or 3 layers with the extra one.





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I just received word back from Chandlyn regarding this whole gazebo thing.  Here's what I sent her and what her response was.


I was speaking to another bride-to-be who is getting married at your resort in January and she had mentioned that she was just informed there is a minimum amount of 25 persons required to rent the gazebo and bartender for the dance portion of the reception. Could you please clarify if this information is correct? I'm sure you can see from the number of guests in my group as identified above why I am concerned about this new information. While I know you have already confirmed the gazebo, DJ, and bartender for me and my group for the dance portion of the reception, could you please re-confirm that the gazebo, DJ, and bartender are all booked for me from 8:30pm to 10:30pm as I do not want to run into any difficulties upon arrival and do not want anything cancelled on me due to only having 23 guests total in my group.All arrangements will be followed as previously arranged for the gazebo after party

I was speaking to another bride-to-be who is getting married at your resort in January and she had mentioned that she was just informed there is a minimum amount of 25 persons required to rent the gazebo and bartender for the dance portion of the reception. Could you please clarify if this information is correct? I'm sure you can see from the number of guests in my group as identified above why I am concerned about this new information. While I know you have already confirmed the gazebo, DJ, and bartender for me and my group for the dance portion of the reception, could you please re-confirm that the gazebo, DJ, and bartender are all booked for me from 8:30pm to 10:30pm as I do not want to run into any difficulties upon arrival and do not want anything cancelled on me due to only having 23 guests total in my group.All arrangements will be followed as previously arranged for the gazebo after party
So she really didn't say one way or the other if their policy had changed, but it seems as though I'll be having the gazebo with a bartender for my group of 19 people.  Perhaps if you are still wanting the bartender you could pay for the minimum number of people (25) even though there are less in your group, that way the resort is still making it worth their while so to speak.  I know that may seem silly having to pay more, but if you really want it they may be flexible and it's worth a shot. Otherwise I'd just do what other brides have done and tip some of the bartenders around the resort to get some jugs of rum punch or something.


Originally Posted by BusyBee123 View Post

Hey...to address the whole gazebo issue.  When I first contacted the resort prior to booking my official wedding date, I inquired about the gazebo.  I was told that I could not book it in advance either and that they would only confirm it 48hrs prior to the wedding.  The gazebo was really important to me, so I said that if I could not confirm it, that I would have to look at other resorts that could guarantee that option.  I just didn't want to arrive, then be told it was already booked.  So long story short, they confirmed it for me...and did NOT tell me that there was a minimum number EVER!  


Following several emails over the last few days, the WCs have said that if I "insist" on having the gazebo for my reception, despite being < 25 people, that they will plan to go ahead but will contact the resort manager to advise.  I'm not sure if this manager has the power to tell me I can't have the reception, so who knows.  As of now I'm planning on having it still, but they have told me that irregardless of all of it, I cannot hire the bartender. I'm just praying that 48hrs before the wedding they don't tell me its impossible.  Have you ladies contacted them about this issue as well?  I'm interested to hear what they tell you.  So please keep me up to date too!





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Morning ladies! We had our rehearsal dinner at the Grill. The caesar salad was not bad at all, but rather dry so perhaps worth taking your own dressing as suggested by another member. We also ate the Mixed Grill with rice and peas- our families are Latin American and Jamaican so they love them some rice! I think the meal usually comes with potatoes or veg but I am not 100%. I cannot remember the dessert well but I remember our guests loving it. It may have been a cheescake.


For the wedding meal we were moved from the Piscis- outdoor restaurant- to the Dolce Vita as it had rained a bit on the day. I am glad we did this as the bugs by the water are relentless, and someone may have slipped on the decking as we danced. The planners and staff handled the move from outdoor to indoor without telling us, and we are grateful for this. The Dolce is gorgeous inside and even the outside is impressive!


I promise to come back with a full update. Not feeling 100% now- I was bitten in JA and the docs think I may have picked up a nasty bug. Please, ladies ensure that you stock up on sunscreen and insect repellent. I know I may sound patronising, but in the heat and excitement it is easy to forget. I had no idea that I had such bad allergic reactions until I got stung by something other than a mosquito! My husband refused to have his jabs as he is a native- he is actually from West London LOL. I got mine in 2010 and I am so thankful that I did.

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Ok ladies...after all of this, I started to get nervous about the gazebo thing and the minimum guest number as well as just getting nervous in general that they made some other major mistake (had a nightmare that they never confirmed my date...ah!) so I wrote them an email to confirm a few things. I got back about 4 emails so I am going to paste them here. I am not even sure what some of them are referring to but I guess the information is appreciated? There were tons of pictures attached to, of the gazebo, cakes, restaurants, etc. I cc'ed both ladies just because when I was originally booking a date back in June, there was a lot of confusion (Chandlyn confirmed a date and time for me and then somehow the date ended up getting taken by someone else so Donnalee confirmed a different time without asking me and then I had to change the date all together because I preferred the 4 PM slot.) Anway, here it is:




Thank you for your email.


With reference to your queries, please seethe responses below.



Should you require any additional information,please do not hesitate to contact us.






Warm Regards, 




Donnalee  White 


Assistant  WeddingPlanner
Gran Bahía Principe Jamaica


Email: [email protected]
Tel: (876) 973 -7000· Fax: (876) 670-8503 Ext: 55028
P.o Box 106, Pear Tree Bottom,Runaway Bay St.Ann. Jamaica W.I



Hello Donnalee and Chandlyn,
I am just checking in to see if ther eis anything else I need to do in the coming months. I know one month prior to my wedding date as stated in one of your previous emails, I can request chair covers and specifics related to the ceremony. Is that the only thing I need to confirm one month prior?...Iam please to advise you that for all wedding ceremonies and receptions,the chair covers are included. Two months prior to your wedding, you arerequired to email me copies of your birth certificates, the credit cardpayment form and copies of your IDs(whether drivers licence or passport)and the selected ID when copied, must be signed by a Notary Public or aLawyer. What about the restauran tfor the reception dinner aftwerwards? When do you need to know the exact amount of guests attending by?...Allwedding packages comes with a semi-private dinner reception that accommodatesfrom 2-70 persons only. The restaurant we use is the Dolce Vita or theGarden Grill restaurant.  Is there anything else you need me to send? We will be getting married prior to our wedding date in June here in the US so we will need to bring a notarized copy of our marriage certificate/license? Anything else additionally?...Onceyou will be legally married prior to your wedding, we will not need thedocuments to be Notarized. We will need a copy of your temporary marriagelicence, the credit card payment form and copies of your IDs.
I also just wanted to re-confirm our wedding date of June 21, 2012 at 4 PM with a reception dinner at 6:30 PM? Is this accurate? I previously requested the gazebo rental after and I believe when it was confirmed in previous emails you stated it will be from 8:45-10:45. I also wanted to confirm this was still the case. I spoke with another bride who stated that there was a minimum on guests for the gazebo now, but this was never mentioned to me prior to this.... I will make a notein the system.  Please see information and request below.
Pleaseadvise me of the amount of persons expected to attend the wedding. To havean after party dace at the Gazebo, the minimum is from 45 persons and upwards.





So I was a very glad I decided to email and confirm again and I think I will do it again in another couple of months because the way Donnalee responds makes me feel like she is just putting this information in now even though it was confirmed back in June and I sent in the paperwork and everything. I am also very confused because now Donnalee is saying the minimum is 45 people to rent the gazebo??? I mean, I believe I will have that but honestly, I can't 100% confirm this until maybe a couple of weeks before we leave and then what? It gets canceled if we don't?


She also sent additional emails with pictures and simple statements like:
"Please be advised that all wedding packagescomes with a 2 tier cake." (This email had 6 different cake pictures attached)

An e-mail with about 6 or 7 different pictures of both the Dolce Vita and the Garden Grill and Gazebo decorated for the reception dinner and ceremony that had a confirmation of my date/time and request for the gazebo rental and next to it said "Dolce Vita reserved". I never requested either, any preferences?


Lastly, I had another random email that just said:

"The flowers that are included in thepackage is from 149-164"


This had the Tai Flora options attached and I ASSUME this means that you can select from options 149-164 for your bouquet included in the package. I will be attempting to make my own seashell bouquets but I guess it will be nice to select one that can be used on a table or something. Was this stuff all sent out to everyone when they first confirmed? I am SO GLAD I emailed again to check in! Argh! *Deep breaths :)



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OMG, I love this thread!!

Still in the process of reading/skimming through all the pages but there is so much helpful information.

Definitely think I'm gonna be ahead of the game with everyone's helpful advise and comments.

Wedding date isn't until Jan/Feb 2013 (waiting for a family members baby to arrive in the new year to decide exactly when) and I've already been in touch with Donnalee to ask a few questions.

Sooo excited, wish we were doing it sooner but too many other commitments already in 2012.


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Hey Ashley and greatbritain....


The inconsistencies really are quite frustrating!  I'm guessing, Ashely, because you have 23 people total, its close enough to the 25 so they're not giving you a hard time.  Donnalee sorta hinted that as long as you're over 20 they often let it slide.  Because we're not even at the 20, I think we're having a hard time!  I just wish someone would have said something earlier, as we made a conscious choice to keep it small and only invited 22 people total!  At least you're all set!  


GB, I'm wondering if the 45 is a typo?  That seems awfully different from the 25 I was told!  Not sure what that is all about?!  Maybe its worth asking again as annoying as it is?


So I think I'm just going to wait until I get there and talk to them in person!  As much as I am very very type A and like to have everything planned well in advance, all of this emailing back and forth seems to be getting me nowhere!  With only 45 days until our wedding, and 40 til we arrive, I'm hoping that all of this will be much clearer in person.  I plan on insisting that we get the gazebo as it was originally confirmed, and will be bringing all of my documents stating as such with me.  I'm also going to see if we can pay for 20 people for the bartender and see if they'll let that fly.  If not, oh well, I'll save some money and give the groomsmen a little bit of work!  After buying all their suits and gifts, they can earn their keep a bit! ;)  Keep me posted if you hear anything else and I'll do the same!

Originally Posted by ashley490 View Post

I just received word back from Chandlyn regarding this whole gazebo thing.  Here's what I sent her and what her response was.


I was speaking to another bride-to-be who is getting married at your resort in January and she had mentioned that she was just informed there is a minimum amount of 25 persons required to rent the gazebo and bartender for the dance portion of the reception. Could you please clarify if this information is correct? I'm sure you can see from the number of guests in my group as identified above why I am concerned about this new information. While I know you have already confirmed the gazebo, DJ, and bartender for me and my group for the dance portion of the reception, could you please re-confirm that the gazebo, DJ, and bartender are all booked for me from 8:30pm to 10:30pm as I do not want to run into any difficulties upon arrival and do not want anything cancelled on me due to only having 23 guests total in my group.All arrangements will be followed as previously arranged for the gazebo after party
So she really didn't say one way or the other if their policy had changed, but it seems as though I'll be having the gazebo with a bartender for my group of 19 people.  Perhaps if you are still wanting the bartender you could pay for the minimum number of people (25) even though there are less in your group, that way the resort is still making it worth their while so to speak.  I know that may seem silly having to pay more, but if you really want it they may be flexible and it's worth a shot. Otherwise I'd just do what other brides have done and tip some of the bartenders around the resort to get some jugs of rum punch or something.

I also just wanted to re-confirm our wedding date of June 21, 2012 at 4 PM with a reception dinner at 6:30 PM? Is this accurate? I previously requested the gazebo rental after and I believe when it was confirmed in previous emails you stated it will be from 8:45-10:45. I also wanted to confirm this was still the case. I spoke with another bride who stated that there was a minimum on guests for the gazebo now, but this was never mentioned to me prior to this.... I will make a notein the system.  Please see information and request below.
Pleaseadvise me of the amount of persons expected to attend the wedding. To havean after party dace at the Gazebo, the minimum is from 45 persons and upwards.


So I was a very glad I decided to email and confirm again and I think I will do it again in another couple of months because the way Donnalee responds makes me feel like she is just putting this information in now even though it was confirmed back in June and I sent in the paperwork and everything. I am also very confused because now Donnalee is saying the minimum is 45 people to rent the gazebo??? I mean, I believe I will have that but honestly, I can't 100% confirm this until maybe a couple of weeks before we leave and then what? It gets canceled if we don't?


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This is NOT RIGHT that they are telling everyone different numbers for the gazebo.  They have confirmed my gazebo rental and certainly don't have 45 people.  I think that the more that we ask and re-ask, the more likely that they will tell us NO.  I am just going to bring my emails down there that say that it is confirmed.  If they don't let me have it, I'm sure going to kick up a stink about it!

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Hey Ladies! This is great! I just emailed the WC for January 2013! Can't wait to start planning, and hearing everyone's tips! When I first emailed WC the email failed to send...I tried a second time, and it worked. Does this happen a lot?


Thanks! Can't wait to start talking!

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Hi, I also had a legal/religious ceremony and took my copies down just in case.  My bank notorizes for free as long as you have an account so it wasn't a biggy.  When I thought they were lost when our luggage was misplaced, Chandlyn mentioned not to worry, but she would have to let the minister know.  I showed it to her when we finally retrieved everything.


Originally Posted by LOKeefe View Post

Hi, Sorry I am unsure. We had a legal ceremony in Jamaica!



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