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Any Gran Bahia Principe Runaway Bay Brides out there?

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Agreed! That would have been too convenient with us being there at the same time! We'll have to creep each other's weddings and compare notes! lol! 


We still don't have a final count either, but our deadline for booking with our TA is coming up next week! They have to be ordered in groups of 10, so we estimated!  Unless we get a sudden onslaught of guests we should be just below the 20 mark! Intimate but still enough to dance the night away! 


Originally Posted by JayKay View Post

I'm glad everything worked out! I'm just waiting to find out exactly how many people before I order mine.  Too bad we aren't using coral or we could have shared!!



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Thats the same with us.  Deadline for booking is in a week and pretty much everyone who has RSVP'd has booked already.  I imagine we will have just under 20 people as well, but thats okay with me!

And I will definately be creeping on your wedding!! Then you can creep on mine a few days later ha!

Originally Posted by BusyBee123 View Post

Agreed! That would have been too convenient with us being there at the same time! We'll have to creep each other's weddings and compare notes! lol! 


We still don't have a final count either, but our deadline for booking with our TA is coming up next week! They have to be ordered in groups of 10, so we estimated!  Unless we get a sudden onslaught of guests we should be just below the 20 mark! Intimate but still enough to dance the night away! 




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hi tris, congrats and best of luck on your special day ! The speeches were no problem, we were seated @ 6pm and we had the speeches after the main course, no reservations had started arriving until around 7pm and we had almost completed our dinner.  Have a great time, just don't worry and everything will be irie. If you are doing the sand ceremony make sure your fi gets it set up, they left mine at the gazebo in the box, a little embarassing. And our mothers didn't get their flowers so assign that task to one of the guests if you want your parents having corsages or boutinnaires. The wedding cake was just ok, we had tiramisu too so all was good. No one complained about the cake it just wasn't my favorite cake. good luck !


Originally Posted by tris View Post

Congrats!! That's great to hear that you had a good time. We leave on Saturday for our April.28th wedding. So excited :). We switched over to the free package so it's good to hear that you were still treated just as well. We're at the Dolce Vita and having the chicken as well. Did you guys do speeches at all at dinner? We were planning to and hoping to hear that it's not too "intrusive" to the other guests in the restaurant (as I know it's semi-private)



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What did they do about yours and your wedding party's wristbands?? Did they cut them off you for the wedding day? I don't wanna have horrible tan lines from that wrist band and 100% don't want them in the photos!! hahaa I just thought of this now!!

Originally Posted by TMwedding2011 View Post

hi tris, congrats and best of luck on your special day ! The speeches were no problem, we were seated @ 6pm and we had the speeches after the main course, no reservations had started arriving until around 7pm and we had almost completed our dinner.  Have a great time, just don't worry and everything will be irie. If you are doing the sand ceremony make sure your fi gets it set up, they left mine at the gazebo in the box, a little embarassing. And our mothers didn't get their flowers so assign that task to one of the guests if you want your parents having corsages or boutinnaires. The wedding cake was just ok, we had tiramisu too so all was good. No one complained about the cake it just wasn't my favorite cake. good luck !




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wow this forum is busy! I need to keep up!  For travelling back after the wedding how does everyone transport their sand ceremony frame or vase? Do you carry it on or put it in lugage? Will the sand mix up? I can't seem to decide between a frame and a vase.  would one be easier to transport?



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Anyone getting married in February/2012?  My date has been set for February 22nd...so excited.  There is so much great info on this forum.  Thank you so much to all of you!!

I'm trying to decide on whether I should just go with the free package, or chose one of the others...

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Thats great news :) I did receive my sashes last night and they are sooooo nice and perfect colour :) I went with the organza as my dress is organza and figured it would give a more lighter toucher than the satin since my dress and the bridesmaids dresses are the same material. 


I also confirmed with Chandlyn that the minister fees are $200 plus 10% taxes :) and gave her a list of steel drum band songs and she is going to see if they can play them, once i hear back I will let everyone know :)  As well my wedding is the only one that is going on that day, so far so good :) but we still have 5 1/2 months to go.


Originally Posted by BusyBee123 View Post

Turns out I'm going to get my sashes after all! PHEW!


Apparently their system couldn't comprehend that I had placed my street address THEN my condo unit number, rather than my unit number THEN street address! Makes all the difference in the world apparently!  For something that's processing tons of credit cards its not very smart!  Oh well, trial and error paid off this time!



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When you bring your own sashes, does anyone know if Chandlyn will put them on chairs and gazebo or do we have to do ourselves.

Anyone know how far a walk it is to the gazebo?

Also, how many sashes do we need in the gazeboitself?

Thanks girls..........

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I'll try to answer the quesitons I can remember:


- Wrist bands - the wedding party was allowed to cut them off on the day of the wedding, but you have to keep it and bring it back to the front desk to get a new one.  They told me they won't replace it if you can't provide the old one.....  But my hubbie kept forgetting to bring his up after the wedding and went 3 days without a bracelet and no one stopped him for getting food/drinks at the resort....


- I actually forgot my sand ceremony frame at home, and didn't realize until the day before the wedding - I had all the sand etc, but not the frame, so I just had Chandlyn cross that part out of our ceremony script and scratched the idea.  FI and I did it when we got home haha.  So, can't really say, but I planned on carrying it on the plane


- Chandlyn will make sure the sashes are on the chairs and the gazebo, and she even had all the sashes taken off and moved to the restaurant for our meal - you don't have to worry about any decorating, they will do it all for you.  I think they used about 6 of mine on the gazebo and then used white ones too


- The walk to the gazebo depends on where your building is - we were in building 23 (the newest one - just opened last month) and it was pretty close - the resort is huge, so it may be farther for some, but it still isn't crazy far from anything


- we were only charged $200 + tax for the minister


- we weren't charged for the white chair covers

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Oh i'm so excited I leave on Sunday!


We too are confirmed in building 23. I got confirmation of this today. Was it super nice?? I've stayed at the Bahia before and did find the rooms were getting a little tired, so I specifically requested the new section.


I can't wait.. I"'m SOOOO Excited!!

Originally Posted by lsmith211 View Post

I'll try to answer the quesitons I can remember:


- Wrist bands - the wedding party was allowed to cut them off on the day of the wedding, but you have to keep it and bring it back to the front desk to get a new one.  They told me they won't replace it if you can't provide the old one.....  But my hubbie kept forgetting to bring his up after the wedding and went 3 days without a bracelet and no one stopped him for getting food/drinks at the resort....


- I actually forgot my sand ceremony frame at home, and didn't realize until the day before the wedding - I had all the sand etc, but not the frame, so I just had Chandlyn cross that part out of our ceremony script and scratched the idea.  FI and I did it when we got home haha.  So, can't really say, but I planned on carrying it on the plane


- Chandlyn will make sure the sashes are on the chairs and the gazebo, and she even had all the sashes taken off and moved to the restaurant for our meal - you don't have to worry about any decorating, they will do it all for you.  I think they used about 6 of mine on the gazebo and then used white ones too


- The walk to the gazebo depends on where your building is - we were in building 23 (the newest one - just opened last month) and it was pretty close - the resort is huge, so it may be farther for some, but it still isn't crazy far from anything


- we were only charged $200 + tax for the minister


- we weren't charged for the white chair covers


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