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I want to compile a file of "must-take" photos to show my photog before the wedding. I have a couple already collected, but I'm hoping we can start a thread where we all share our favorites. The best or most creative poses. Things that your photog might not think of, but that you really want to make sure to capture.


So please add your favorites to this thread! Try to post something that maybe we haven't all seen before.


Thanks, ladies!

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Yeah it's so different in fresh water versus salt water. Cain learned to surf in CA if couple of years ago and taught me in fresh water. I can't wait to do salt water surfing, I bet it's easier. The waves here are only good when a storm is about to roll in. Sad huh... lol

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Originally Posted by TAMMYM View Post
Yeah it's so different in fresh water versus salt water. Cain learned to surf in CA if couple of years ago and taught me in fresh water. I can't wait to do salt water surfing, I bet it's easier. The waves here are only good when a storm is about to roll in. Sad huh... lol
Wow, what a trip! You will love surfing in Cabo then - warm salty water! Definitely makes you more bouyant.
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